Tuesday, October 18, 2005

O Happy Day!!!

It is a glorious day in TV Land, children. Almost enough to make me forget that House is MIA for the third week in a row and Arrested Development is being pre-empted by baseball. And that's no mean feat, let me tell you.

The reason for our jubilation??? The first season of CSI: NY was released on DVD today. (Picture choirs of angels singing now please...) This means I can watch Flack throw a rapist against a wall any time at my convenience. And listen to him talk about his character on the little documentary. Hehehe... :)

The commentary was really interesting, too. Apparently, that first scene in Blink when Mac is sitting in the church in front of the Blessed Mother statue was Gary Sinise's idea, because he thought this was how Mac would deal with things. How sweet is that??? More reason why he should get together with Stella rather than the whore from the crime scene last spring. Sheesh.

Anyhoodles, people should go buy this. Best forty five bucks I've ever spent.


Racergirl179 said...

What's with the new background?

Anonymous said...

I like the new background!!! Oh the CSI DVD sounds great...enjoy it!!! :):):)