Friday, October 06, 2006

A seriously, this is what I'm doing with my Friday night what the hell do you mean this is the prime of my life? post

What can I say. I aim to please. And since this is the only time since th beginning of school that you've gotten two posts in less than three days, you should be thankful.

Mostly, I just want to talk about Keisha Castle-Whatever's freakishly statutory-raped induced impending motherhood.

Okay. I googled statutory rape in New Zealand, and apparently 16 is the cutoff, so I guess it's technically not, but still. She is a child. She's younger than my little sister. She showed up at the Oscars three years ago wearing a little white dress with bows. Freakin' bows. And now she's preggers.

Has the world gone mad??? And I'm very confused as to why is reporting this like it's any other old pregnant celebrity and not sombody who just learned to drive. Sheesh.

And, on a day when Marcia Cross announces she's gonna pop out two of 'em, Farrah's got cancer, and Sienna is apologizing to and entire city (who could probably care less), it's a pretty big deal that I'm preoccupied with Baby Whalerider.

Boo. I had a very pretty Good Night and Good Luck icon to put here and it wouldn't let me. *sniff* I was going to use it as an opening to talk about the rather shocking recent revelations that my parents supported McCarthy (okay, they were like six, but still), and generally approve of what he was doing. Which made me rethink watching Good Night and Good Luck for family movie night, because if you like McCarthy, you will not like this movie. If you like George Clooney in period dress and don't really care what the hell happens to the country, this is a flick for you!!! No, no, I kid. I care about the country. And I think a very small percentage of the people that McCarthy went after were actually a significant threat to the nation, and should have been dealt with. I don't think, however, that he really needed to destroy the lives of completely innocent people who ended up on some USSR mailing list from 1938 when, excuse me, we were completely supporting the USSR. *deep breath* End of the political rant.

But sadly, the icon did not work and I was forced to put up one of Bleak House, which (suprisingly as it contains just about everything else) any people trunking up old alliances to hurt other people's lives now. Oh. Wait. It kind of does. Because Tulkinghorn is blackmailing Lady Dedlock. Hmmm. But she wasn't a communist, she was just kind of a whore.

Went out for coffee with Mary and Nick tonight (no, it wasn't nearly as third-wheel as it sounds in print), which was much fun, mostly because I'm pretty sure that until he met Mary Nick had never been in a coffee shop before. Hehe. And we're going back tomorrow to "study". Uh-huh. Our studying never ends up actually being much studying but rather a discussion of the weeks activities or more important aspects of the class, like cute guys (there aren't any, sad) or the fact that teacher (I'd call her a professor but she's not) wears the same clothes for two days in a row repeatedly (No. Seriously. She does. It's weird.). Very little conjugation going on.
Watching a superb episode of Numb3rs right now---a painting was stolen (I'm intrigued), but it was stolen by Nazi's before (I'm hooked), and now Don is having an adorable little crisis of faith (I'm watching breathlessly). *sigh* I love this show. Season 2 on DVD on Tuesday---woot woot!!!

I. Need. To. Find. The Queen. Yes, I realize that the icon is Helen Mirren playing the wrong Queen Elizabeth, but it's the only thing I could find, and it still serves the purpose. Also, I'm considering buying the soundtrack to Restoration (out of print, very hard to find) off of eBay just so I can have the music from the trailer because, to steal a line from the Empress, it is Teh Loveliness and I must have it. Now. Except it's out of print and very hard to find. Grrr.

I'm off to go collapse upstairs and watch Best Week Ever while trying to wipe out the slept debt that I have acquired this past week. Tomorrow, if it doesn't start with and eleven, I'm not getting up.

ETA: Two things- first, just pulled the Farrah story. The link still works, it just says Do Not Publish at the top. Oh juiciness.

Second, the first icon is way funnier if it were actually moving. It's supposed to then show a picture of Benedict XVI and a caption "I'm Catholic", and then a picture of a bear with a caption "I shit in the woods". HAHAHAHA. *ahem* I'm going to see if I can make it work.


K. said...

nice blog

CMT said...

Funniest. Icon. Ever.

*cannot stop laughing*

rockford said...

Oh, we are thankful for the frequent posts these last few days--- they are always appreciated!!!!! I just can't believe how "off handedly" the news about little whalerider is being handled - like this is just another event in life to celebrate - that poor child and that poor child she is having - there are just so many things that are wrong about the whole thing and I feel like no one sees any of them!! Well, so much for my the way, to say your parents supported McCarthy is not exactly what I would call accurate - to say the least!!! Where did that come from????? I hope you find "the queen" - it does look like it is a fun little movie with everything that you like in it - just your type!!!....sorry your icon won't move!!!! Keep up the good work!!!