Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Rambling Sucks

Note: Imladris and Swimmergirl--- please read down to the part about my schedule. I need your help!!!

We finished history notes at ten to nine, and the the prof said we just had to watch a few minutes of this video with a guy who looks a lot like the dude who plays Angie's dad on George Lopez (although it's better than the British guy who inexplicably was devoting his life to telling us everthying of note about Asia...) and then we'd be done. So I'm happy, especially when the video gets mercifully turned off at five after nine. But wait, before I can get out of my seat, the guy starts talking again!!!! And he goes on and on and on about what could be boiled down to one sentence ("Once independence is gained, it's not so easy to implement democracy." No kidding) for like fifteen minutes!!! We only got out two minutes early---not good!!!! I know I shouldn't be complaining, because this is the class where he used to keep us late, but it's still annoying when he rambles about nothing, or worse, something that we already know. Grrr. Maybe I'll skip it on Friday...I'm going to be tired anyway. We'll have to think about that.

Changing tone completely, chocolate chip scones are tasty!!! :) Really, they are! They're not as heavy as a muffin, so you feel like you're not eating as much, and just as tasty. I love them. I don't know why we waited so long to get them. They would have made all of last year a heck of a lot more interesting!

Maybe they will make next semester go easier. I'm writing up my schedule, and I have six classes and I'm not sure about the music history one. It looks kind of hard, and boring, and I don't want to pay for it and then not go, or worse, have it ruin the semester and end up depressed (shades of Spring '04). So I have three options. 1.) Keep the music history class, even though it only goes up to the Baroque era, which, thanks to an internet search, I know is old and boring, and accept the fact that if I'm going to make my marriage to Josh work I'll have to know something about music. 2.) Drop the music class and just have five classes, which really is more than enough, and take the second part, which looks way more interesting, next spring. 3.) Drop the music class and take a lit class- I already have one- which would alleviate having one class on those days and having to drive here for an hour and then go right home. The only problem with this is that I'm trading a class that I could essentially audit for a class where, in the interest of betting my writing skills, I would actually do the work. Decisions, decisions. Imladris and swimmergirl, what do you think? Give me your opinions please!!!!

Crap, I'm late for my class, so I'm going to run and try not to bump into my pervy lit teacher from last semester (he litereally "bumps" into you---very uncomfortable). Ciao!!! (I mean it about your opinions girls---I need to know before Friday!!!)

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