Thursday, July 28, 2005


It sucks. I couldn't sleep last night, and woke up around one. And then tried desperately to fall back asleep for an hour before giving up and watching TV. But this is not so simple. My remote control doesn't work anymore, so I had to go steal my mom's (who has the same TV as me), which caused me to bang my shins into various things along the way, even though their room is just across the hallway. Isn't that weird? How there doesn't seem to be anything around when you turn off the lights at night, but by the time you get up to go to the bathroom or steal a remote control somebody has snuck in and put all of your large, sharp, immovable objects right where you step? Amazing. Right up there with the mystery of why it is fundamentally impossible to have as many socks coming out of the washer as going in. Impossible. I think that's one of the questions we are going to have answered when we get to Heaven- where all the socks went. And why the computor freezes up and goes so slowly every single time you need to get someting quickly...another one of life's big mysteries.

Anyway, I got the remote, and padded back to my bedroom where I proceeded to turn to VH1 and watch Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" video. (Dear VH1: Love you to death, but please spring for the rights to some new videos. As nasty as the though of being married to Eric Roberts would be and I totally support Mariah's decision to leave him for Guy With No Hair- although, honestly, she could have been a little bit nicer about it-, I'm getting sick of the damn thing. Thank you.) And Nick at Nite was running a four hour block of Murphy Brown, which is a really funny show!!! I love it. I think I shall have to go buy the DVD. And Faith Ford is in it- totally didn't know that. The only thing I didn't like is that Paul Reubens was guest starring...ewwww!!!! But otherwise great. Why can't there be any funny shows that aren't stupid today? Why did I have to be born so late??? I'm holding my breath for Out of Practice this fall, because it's from the people who did Frasier, and if they can recapture that I'll love them forever...

So yeah, I watched three hours of that before finally falling asleep at five o'clock. Which, of course, led me to sleep until almost ten (which is late even for me) and then I had to wash my hair. Am I the only person who thinks this is annoying? Maybe it's just because I have so much hair that it takes forever, but it takes so long and it doesn't look good, and I hate the feeling of wet hair but if I dry it then it frizzes and it's just a no-win solution!!! Sheesh. I hate it. Our hair should be like our fingernails or something- occaisionally you have to scrape dirt from it, but other than that it pretty much stays clean. That would be perfect. Hate washing my hair. And I'm vigilant about it too, only because it looks so bad the day I wash it. Honestly, somebody is going to be asking me out sometime and I'm going to have to say I'm washing my hair---and it will be true!!! That's sad.

Anyhoodles, what else is going on??? Oooh, the funny Friends episode with the "Dude, you didn't say Die Hard" line was on the other day, which then led me to start thinking about Die Hard and how Bruce Willis really should have been move understanding of Hans and not killed him and the like...but Alan's cute little "American" accent was good...I think we should all love German terrorists a little bit more, okay??? Really, they're just lonely. And he did get that pregnant woman a sofa, remember? If you're truly evil, you don't worry about pregnant women's back pain. You just don't.

And the classic Trivial Pursuit rocks!!! Even better than the '90s edition which nobody will play with me because I totally rule at it. Well, except for my father, who knows everything about everything- honestly. To the point where it's almost not fun to be on the team with him because you feel like you're cheating. Usually we make him sit out and help whoever can't get a question- it just seems more fair that way. Anyway, Colleen and I almost won, except we didn't know what the Banana Boat song was (Daiooooooooo.....something daioooooooooo.....). Bummer. And it was kind of funny to read some of the was "What free world city is behind the Iron Curtain?" (btw, it was East Berlin), which is totally strange to a person who was like two when the Iron Curtain ceased to be. Lots of Yugoslavia questions, though, which were also kind of outdated. Funny, though.

Whew...nobody wants to read that, I'm sure, but I feel like I should update everytime I get on because it's not that often. I think I shall go stalk my academic advisor becuse it appears she has failed ot register me for fall semester. Not good. And I only have one year left there (although she doesn't know that), so I really need these classes!!! :p


I-lean said...

Yeah...I'm kind of an insomniac, too. Last Thursday, I watched elimidate when I couldn't fall asleep. Lots of catty girls. Plus, I saw about six commercials in 25 minutes for those hotlines you call to talk to people at night when your bored and lonely and have no life. Shows you who there target audience is.

(ps--hope you don't mind I read your blog. I'm kind of bored and lonely and have no life right now. ;-))

mi_morena said...

hi! No, I don't mind you reading my blog at all---as you can see, I have a pitiful number of people commenting!

Elimidate is kind of addicting when it's three in the morning and you're sleep deprived...those women desperately need some self-respect. Or parents. Either would work...