Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I have a bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

That may be more marketable than history. Huh. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. After I stop dry-heaving over the loss of my career prospects.

Le anyhoodles, I'm not feeling too benevolent towards anything connected to the university, as they decided to SCREW ME OVER and take my English history class and turn it into an online class. That is, I pay three hundred dollars more, and lack a lecture. I don't know about you, but other than the surprising number of digressions on British history that my nationalistic TA made us sit through this semester, I know very little about their history, and I'm thinking that I don't want to pay three hundred dollars for the priviledge of teaching myself sixteen hundred years of history I know nothing about. *headdesk*

Well, this obviously impacted my schedule, and it took my an hour to figure out a replacement. *headdesk: the return* I was not pleased. But I moved stuff around, and now have a massively packed schedule with ancient egyptian civ, other random history course, two psychologies, art history, and one completely incongruous oceongraphy.

This is actually a better arrangment, as the Egyptian civ gets me some of the non-Western credit that I need and was dreading taking because my interest drops off completely at the Ural Mountains. It doesn't make me in a better mood, though. *deathglare*

Also not assisting in the mood today? The fact that I was hailed upon on the way to class. That's right. Hail. In April.

And now it's snowing and windy and have you ever tried to drive a freaking billboard in massive wind gusts? Not fun.

This is the backyard as of twenty minutes ago---

It's worse now.

It was not, however, snowing on Saturday night for the highest holy day of the year, which is very important for it's own reasons but also because we get to play hopscotch at midnight, as Mary is demonstrating here.

Good times. Twas pink, y'all.

Random Daily Show link. My favorite part? "Oh, and the expuslision from Egypt. Not pretty." I can hardly express how much I love this show.

Just when you think it's all over, it just keeps getting better. BONDAGE PHOTOS. She had bondage photos. This made my week.

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