Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Post-Pre-Sale Update: The Return

Milwaukee: Center floor. Row 19.

St. Paul: Side floor. Row 25.

That's right. I rawk.

I was not pleased, however, at exactly 10 o'clock when all that the site would give me were crappy seats in the balcony. I did not join the fanclub for balcony seats, y'all.

Also, Green Bay was sold out. *tear* But that's okay. I'm good with the two.

Also Squared: this does not make The Worst Night Of My Life okay. NOTHING will make that okay. EVER. I could marry Josh and give birth to his adorable curly-haired children and it would still not make it okay. Do you understand. NOTHING. So do not even bring it up, or I will be forced to throw something at you. Hey. If I can threaten my 90-year-old veteran grandfather, I can threaten you.

Other than rejoicing about my ticketed blessings, I've done absolutely nothing today. Wait. That's not true. I've drunk about twelve cups of coffee (not sure, but I know I made eight this morning, and then remade ten, but my mom and sister had, downloaded Kelly Clarkson's new single (What? I'm a dork. I never pretended to be anything else.), and joined a bunch of Facebook groups (now a proud member of "I tried to ford the river and now my *not appropriate for a family blog* oxen died (uwm chapter)". Hell yeah. Also the Sheriff of Nottingham Appreciation Society. Represent.

Nobody told me it was freakishly addicting.

Have lots of other stuff to do. In theory at least. The house is filthy, there's laundry up the chute, and I have a paper to write (the final one of freshman year---woot). But that Oregon Trail group was so much more fun.

Oooh, bought The Queen yesterday---sooo good!!! Everybody should go see that movie, not just nerds like me. One of the best movies I saw all 2006.

Supposed to go see Fracture tonight, if Person I'm Going to See Fracture With ever calls me back. *sigh* Does anybody know what that's about? I know Notebook Guy and Anthony Hopkins are in it, and I think Anthony Hopkins plays a killer (duh), but other than that I'm not sure. It's totally not my kind of movie, but there's nothing else out.

Rosie's leaving The View. Oh, sad. I loved her on that. Now I don't have a reason to watch every day. Boo!!!

Ding dong the one-legged, gold-digging whore is gone. I'm sorry. That was mean. But you do not hurt the only Beatle people care about and get away with it, missy. That's right. America doesn't feel so sorry for you anymore.

Just a quick note- I'd like to apologize for the end of the last entry. I had just joined the facebook group "Alan Rickman is a Dead Sexy Beast". Shut up.



Anonymous said...

You do rawk.......yeah for Joshie tickets and I would never ever ever say this makes up for you know what!!!!!!! lol...90 year old veteran:):):) I think calling you know who a one legged gold diggin whore is just toooooooooo nice of a way to describe her!!!!!! You mess with Paul and you mess with all that is right with the world.....!!!!!!

CMT said...

Ummm, speak for yourself. I care plenty about George and Ringo. As for John...well. I don't like the Yoko much.