Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day 1, Winter Break '07: I am rudely awakened, bake a metric assload of cookies, develop mysterious hives, and suffer through a phantom pregnancy.

Oh, freedom. It's awesome.

Not so awesome to be awakened at ten to eight when you've just fallen back asleep because your roommate/sister was bitterly loud getting dressed to be told that you need to go pick up roommate/sister from school, as she has an unclassified illness.

Yeah. I looked really pretty.

So now I have hives all over my face. And it's weirding me out, because I can't figure out what could have caused it. I haven't eaten anything in a couple of hours, I haven't taken anything other than Advil today, my makeup isn't different, and I certainly don't have anything to stress out about (well, except the hives).

(Oh, and I think I might be pregnant.)

(I don't really. But it feels like it. I'm freaking tired, massively late, and there are times (usually in the morning) when I am overcome by nausea. Like I almost left an exam because of it yesterday. And if you've been reading for any amount of time, you know I DON'T LEAVE EXAMS. See: March 1, 2007, when I break down crying on the phone with my TA.)

(But I'm not really worried about that.)

So I'm going to do some links and then go take some Benadryl.

Somewhere, a State Department employee is curled in the fetal position in a corner. I may be a Baby of the Eighties, but I know this isn't good.

And the Spears Saga goes downhill. Also- um, yeah, I'll bet.

Oooh, I smell a Supreme Court case...

Oh, sweet Benadryl.


CMT said...

Yes, I am bitter. And loud.

Anonymous said...

I hope day 2 goes a bit better.....great links.....oh the Spears are an interesting clan....