Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Screw Maslow. And all of his little humanist-theory friends.

They suck and I hate them.

Massive amounts of end-of-the-semester work, y'all. So much I had to stay home today to finish it all. Well, really I stayed home to squire my mom to the doctor, but apparently she has become self-actualized (See? I know this shit!) and in a mind-numbingly selfless move of mothering decided that my sister's coffee date with friends was more important than an appointment with someone who may conceivably be able to help her deal with the boneheaded-doctor who probably failed bedside manner like, LAST SEMESTER because HE'S SO FREAKING YOUNG's idea that hey, a brain scan might be good just to rule out cancer in there!!!

This to the woman who is arguably more upset every time I take I-43 than when she thinks about the war in Iraq.

But yes. Colleen will be caffeinated.

(And this is not a dig at Colleen, who would have undoubtedly given up the coffee if her mother had offered, which she didn't, because she's too damn good.)

My kids are going to hate me.

Also? I don't get to go out to lunch. *pout*

I didn't realize these little projects would talk all day, though. I started going, "Oh, you need to finish the term cards for 1960s. That's not bad. God bless Wikipedia." Then it was, "Oh, and the psych paper. That really needs to be written. And the other psych quiz. Must take that. But you can't take that until you haul the computer upstairs to print the notes. But it's no sense printing until you have the paper written, because then you can print them all at the same time. And case studies! Don't forget those. Need to be typed, too. Oh shit, you also need an updated Egypt project. By tomorrow. And the dryer just beeped."

And now I want a drink. But first I have to put up the Christmas village.

Of course this would have taken signficantly less time if I hadn't have gotten into a SuperPoke war on Facebook with Derrick. But I'm choosing to ignore that.

AHHH!!! Christ, People. com should warn people before they do that!!!

Speaking of which, I need to go watch last night's episode.


Anonymous said...

Your mom is sooooooooo nice......those were great pictures and it looks like you had more "beverages" while decorating than we had while we decorated:):):)

Anonymous said...

Ok, what does "self-actualized" even mean???...and you are right - I do worry more when you are on I-43 than I do about the war in Iraq but just wait until your brother is a few years older and has to register with the government...I look normal now compared to that!!! See, I knew you stayed home for me - you just lied to me about it.....but I do hope that you at least got your work finished so it is no longer hanging over your sweet little head.....:) Thanks for being such a worderful young woman - you have way too much to worry about for your age - this is supposed to be "carefree life" time for you.....but God notices everything, honey, so He knows what you have to put up with and what you do for all of us - what would we ever do without you?????!!! are a true lifesaver!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes you do ROCK.....everyone appreciates you!!! heh Rockford I know the feeling...I have two spawns who not only drive I-43 but are both registered....ahhhhhhhhh