Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Why I Need to Move Out

Scene: Kitchen. Early morning.

Colleen: Will you run downstairs and get me a bottle of water. I'd love you forever!

Me: Okay.

Colleen: Can I take your coffee mug to school? Please?

Me: No! You lost the last one I gave you. Where is it?

Colleen: I don't know. Either in the car or someplace...

Me: I got that at the Smithsonian, you know.

Colleen: *looks in cabinet* Oh, no worries. It's right here. So can I take it?

Me: Fine.

Dad: We need to go!

Colleen: Wait! I need coffee!!!

Me: *gets coffee* Cream or suger? (inner barista, what can I say?)

Colleen: No. I need a pen!

Me: *gets pen*

Colleen: What would I do without you?

Me: Indeed.


Anonymous said...

What would any of us do without you??!!! This world would, indeed, be a lonely place!!! I am SO happy that your smithsonian mug was not lost - that would have been very, very, very sad.....AND, by the way, CONGRATULATIONS because as you read this you are, in fact, finished with the semester!!!!!!!!!!!

CMT said...

It is *raises eyebrows* unorthodox, to say the least, to speak in so flippant, so dismissive a manner, in regards to one's imperial sovereign. You ought to be greatly appreciative that she is indulgent towards your little jokes.

Anonymous said...

great blog....lol.....I bet Rockford is having some kind of flashback:):):):)....please do the dishes I need to get gas.....I need to leave but there is snow on my very very very large hood...shall I continue???????:):):)

Anonymous said...

you spelled "sugar" wrong