Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Super Bowl

Or the four-hour black hole of no programming for anybody with two X chromosomes. (Okay, I know a lot of women like football. Knock yourselves out.) I'm actually kind of half-listening because it was rumored that there will be a POTC 2 commerical, and hell, I'll watch/do almost anything to see Johnny as a pirate. I'm not proud of it, but I will.

On a slightly more estrogen-based note, I have a confession to make. I am a chick-lit whore. *hangs head in shame*

Yes, I consider myself well-read. I have devoured Austen, Hawthorne, Thackeray, Hugo, Tolstoy, Dostoevesky, an even Nabokov with an almost scary zeal. Ever since I read Wuthering Heights when I was twelve and it took me to a beautiful place.

(Well, let's face it. I was sitting on the floor of the cardiology ward in St. Lukes. I could have read 1984 and ended up happier than I would have been not reading.)

But at the same time, I absolutely love a good, mindless, vapid chick-lit story. I just finished Meg Cabot's Size 12 is Not Fat (which is a brillitant title, by the way). It was so funny and stupid and I absolutely loved it. When a book is even easier to understand than Bridget Jones, you know you have a true piece of chick lit. And Meg Cabot is the best at it. I first started reading her brand of pre-teen chick lit when I was, well, a pre-teen with The Princess Diaries, and have fallen in love with her adult books. Yes, the make me actually feel my brain rotting and I have to go watch CNN for twenty minutes after I finish one, but whatever. :)

I'm going to go try to find something on television. And let me tell you, it does not look easy. *hissing* At least Grey's Anatomy should be awesome tonight. Small consolation, but whatever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh this is a great picture and the commercial was also great, but it was in the company of some very very good commericals!!!! I am very sure my chromosomes are ok....but I must admit I do love my football!!!! Since my beloved Packers were not in the game....I was able to watch and actually enjoy the game for the team did win, but if the other team won I would not have really lost any sleep.....I did enjoy the game and 90% of the commercials....:):):)