Tuesday, August 29, 2006

We're carnivores. The first thing we did when we arrived in this country was eat a couple of Indians.

Oh, Denny. Only three and a half more weeks until new episdoes come back. Woot woot.

The TV season has kinda sorta started, with FOX airing new programming this week and next. You have to love the loser networks---you get everything sooner because they know they can't compete once real shows come back! Tomorrow there are two shows I want to see---Bones and Justice. Bones I got into late last year and cannot wait for another episode, and Justice looks unbelievably awesome. First, it's Bruckheimer, which means it has my undying devotion and love, and Spy Daddy stars in it, which means that it would have my undying devotion and love even if Bruckheimer wasn't attached. But he is, so you know it's going to rock. Probably my favorite part? At the end of every episode they show you what really happened, so you know if they got off a killer (*cough*OJ*cough*). Oh snap. Cannot wait.

This also hails the return of my TV blog, which has been MIA for the past four months. I know, you missed it. But really folks, what was I going to write about? Last summer we at least had Chaotic and Hooking Up, which were just too awesomely bad *not* to write about. This year? America's Got Talent. Funny, the Rapping Granny and Saggy Stripper didn't inspire any creative outbursts like a well-crafted dramedy does. Hmmm. So look for that on either Wednesday night or Thursday morning.

Also in TV-related news, the *tear* last season *sob* of Arrest Developement *gulping tears* was released today, and of course I was at Target bright and early to pick up my copy. And I think I shall spend most of the afternoon watching all of it's quirky goodness because I really, really don't feel like cleaning the bathroom. Especially since I ate like half a pan of brownies and now I feel bloated. It's really hard to clean when you're bloated. (FYI, never make brownies because you're hungry. Go and buy a brownie. If you make them, you will eat the whole damn thing. This has been Kathleen looking out for your health.)

Also have to clean my room, because you could build a person from the hair on my floor, and everything is covered in a fine layer of dust/baby powder/hairspray/other shit and I really should get on that. Must rearrange DVD shelf, too, as I have no place to put Arrested Developement.

Or The Sentinel, which I also bought this morning because of the excellent writing, insightful character development, and OMG, take me NOW hotness good acting. *ahem*

What? I can be intelligent when I want to be. *sniff*

My real life is no where near as fun as my shows. Had a very long discussion with some guy at work last night about Anthony Quinn, Gary Sinise, and porn. Now, I had remarkably little to contribute on the subjects of Anthony Quinn and porn, but, dammit, I know my CSI's!!! I wanted to ask him if he shipped Smacked, too, but he didn't really seem the CSI type. *sigh*

Also, Crazy Bitch Lady, who is a completely different from Crazy Book Lady, was there with her little knitting group. Last week she made sure I knew that she preferred our old punch-card system to the new rewards system. Yeah. Sure, ma'am. I'll bring that up in the next board meeting, which of course the cafe sellers are invited to. Then last night sehe made sure that I knew that our food was too expensive (well, it kind of is, but still), and how she only ate the feta pretzal, which is discontinued, and now maybe she'll have to settle for the grilled cheese, although is tha chedder? I don't like cheddar? I was really do throw the damn pretzel at her. Grrr.

This morning I changed my tip change into real money, and realized two things. 1.) I look like I am a stripper/frequent strip clubs, because I carry around so many singles, and 2.) A month of smiling until your cheeks hurt and false enthusiasm looks very tiny when it's in a plastic baggie (really, I listened to myself last night. My voice goes up like three octaves). *sigh*

Okay, Harry Potter is now officially getting more action than I am right now. *huge, unnatural sigh* I've heard tell of Starbucks ice cream. I think some may be in order.

I'd just like to point out that my generation disgusts me. While the concept is cute, and it was interesting to read, I regret that they make sweeping generalizations about freshman. Because I know perfectly well what "a third-rate burglery" means, and yeah, I understand the phrase "Can we all get along." Sheesh. And you'd be surprised at how many eighteen-year-olds don't know what the little blue dress is. I did, but that's because I was a scandal monger, even at the age of ten. I'm so proud.

And, btw, Google has not always been a verb.

(Icky gross JonBenet stuff ahead---not awful, because it's from people.com, but Boy probably shouldn't read it.) I'm trying to figure out who is sicker, the man who raped and strangled a six-year-old little girl, or the guy who tried really, REALLY hard to convince everybody that he raped and strangled a six-year-old little girl. Yeah, hon, there's probably going to be a movie, but it'll be on Lifetime, and Johnny Depp will be nowhere in sight. He may be weird, but I'm pretty sure he has some standards. Even Matt Dillon turned down a pedophile role, and he's been trying desperately to recapture fame since The Outsiders.

Imladris is now threatening the lives of my unborn children if I don't get off the computor, so I guess this post is over.


CMT said...

Imladris is actaully going to go throw up now from all the John-Karr-nastiness.

OK. Better now.


John T Jurkiewicz said...

Good as per usual!!!

1. Proper use of the "woot woot"

2. I agree with your assemsent on Deny Crane

3. But personally I enjoy House. Fits my personality better. My children tell their friends when asked to describe me ---> "My dad is just like the dude on house expect he is not skinny nor a doctor."

John T Jurkiewicz said...

Comment on your posting on my blog:

I can't even spell algebra much less figure it out. The math i am refering to is simple addition and subtraction. The English i refer to is writing a simple sentance and......... btw I dont belive in testing out. All it shows is that you can pass a test.