Saturday, April 12, 2008

Actually, staying home on Friday wasn't the nerdiest thing I did all night...

Last night while Comedy Central Presents was on commercial and I was flipping channels when I discovered that John Roberts was giving a speech on CSPAN, and totally of course watched because hello? A Supreme Court justice on TV? I am there. I watched Scalia talk to a bunch of teenagers for like ten minutes this afternoon, while he was pretty much just grunting and going, "In my day, we trudged up the hill both ways in the snow, dammit."

Le anyhoodles, dude was funny. For reals, like funnier than the guy on Comedy Central, who was, to be fair, wicked unfunny. He even got a department of commerce crack in there! Comedy Guy was just talking about when he met Jessica Simpson on a plane and she was a bitch to him.

(Which was like personal vindication for me, because she is smack dab in the middle of the Hated Jessicas, which means I hate her more than Biel but oh, so slightly less than Alba.)

But that's kid's stuff, making a Jessica Simpson joke. Please. She is a joke. I can do that. Having fun at a dedication for a news museum?

That, my friends, is a skill.


Anonymous said...

lol....hated Jessicas

Anonymous said...

John Roberts on TV??? That does not happen very often - glad you caught it -- at least it was not on cspan2...remember what that is for:)??????