Friday, April 11, 2008

At least I didn't have to wait at Walgreens...

Today was interesting.

I got stared at like an awful, horrible waste of genetic material by some registration lady because I wasn't waiting three hours in the waiting room while my grandfather had some doctor's hand up his butt (my grandfather could have cared less whether I was there or not), and then she demanded both my phone numbers.


Perky little redheaded nurse who remembered me (???) was all, "Oh, he's right in..." and I was all cut-offy and "Um. Yeah. No. I'll be in the waiting room." Where I was for another hour and a half. I finished a novel, studied my flashcards, and discovered that in the interwar period the patrician society in Great Britain tried to stave off Home Rule by creating an Anglo-Irish culture.

Uh-huh. That was totally going to work.

Then I went to Pick and Save, which I hate because grocery shopping makes me feel lonely and melancholy, except my melancholy was stopped when I realized that Activia comes in handy little LOW FAT versions, and I bought some, went back to Pick and Save when Grandpa realized he wanted bananas.

And then I discovered that he is truly going to kill himself, with the stove that is older than most nations (No, for seriously, it's from 1949. I realize this is just my fall of the British empire class talking, but SERIOUSLY LONG TIME AGO IN SCHEME OF THINGS!!!) that SMOKES, that is, it smokes if he manages to turn on the right burner which he doesn't, but I think that may be the medication.

Oh, and lightbulb in the basement. If I am to go into your basement to check for water leakage and sump pumping and so forth, I NEED A FREAKING LIGHT. Not the flashlight that is somewhere near the washing machine and probably past several furry creatures.

But I said none of this, because I am not a bitch.

So now I'm going to go watch Best Week Ever. Fun day of memorial servicing tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

you certainly know how to tell a story with flair:):)

Anonymous said...

You, my dear, are a VERY good granddaughter -- and daughter:)