Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I like to plan ahead.

I got my hair cut today, and I absolutely love it. This is good, as I had to not only max out my credit cards but leave a few pints of plasma and sign an affidavit handing over my firstborn to Erik of Norway.

Prices? They have gone up.

I love it so much that I have decided I want it to look like this when I defend my thesis. I should schedule a blow-out accordingly. Four years from now.

What? What? It is not a crime to plan early. I think it's smart.

I also discovered that despite the fact that I was taking the pictures, and it was even in black and white (makeup not working so much), I do not photograph well. My face is apparently a huge blob of fat on top of my neck. Not attractive. Finally, that mirror is distorted underneath the frame- while I am well-endowed, I do not have ginormous overweight-and-out-of-work porn-star boobs.

Just thought you should know.


Anonymous said...

the hair looks great......the blog is sooooooo funny:):):) you have a way with words!!

Anonymous said...

You sure can pick apart a picture can't you??? I certainly an glad that you like your hair though!!! It is beautiful and will look great for the thesis.....