Monday, June 23, 2008

Not as interesting a turn of events as planned.

Dear Imladris,

Um...I kind of sorta finished most of your Sally Lund bread. It's tasty? How did you make it so pleasingly doughy, but not annoyingly yeasty? You have quite the gift for breads, young lady.

Anyhoodles, I'm also going to totally need to use your elliptical machine now, as I feel like a beached whale. So yeah. Consider it payback for the last 18 years.



*Then I read an nasty little wall mesage*

(I quote:)

"You. Me. Keelin. Movie on Friday. Would that work for you? You must see it."Great, because I didn't want to see it anyway, noob.Oh, and I'm going to sneak in your room tonight and take nasty pictures of YOUR pasty cellulite thighs and POST THEM ALL OVER FACEBOOK, OMG, HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW.
(End quote.)

Dear Imladris,

I ate your bread. I'm using your elliptical machine. You're taking John to drivers ed in the morning because all the eating and ellipitcaling will most likely tire me out.

And you know what??? IT'S OKAY. Because you've spent the last 18 years taking my stuff and wearing my clothes and stretching out my shoes and apparently wearing even my old underwear, which I don't remember but it doesn't surprise me given how cheap our parents are- frankly, I'm surprised that they had a second child because the first one was totally still good- and even, it appears, cuddling up in my bed with a 4-foot body pillow and DAMMIT YOU TOOK MY MOMMY.


And I totally meant you too for the movie. And I took down the embarrassing picture, which I totally didn't notice was embarrassing, and GET OFF MY BACK.

Have a good time at your bonfire.



Anonymous said...

is that 18 years of anger coming out????? good post....I do understand the picture issue:):):)

CMT said...

omg i totally forgot to get the body pillow today, oh noes.