Sunday, June 29, 2008


Oh, internets. I have hit a wall. I don't know if it's the Grandpa/hospital stress thing or because I woke up at 4:16 this morning and didn't really fall back asleep again, but it's only 6 o'clock and I would like to die. Right now.

Work this morning was not cool, y'all. Between the aformentioned me-> wall thing and the complete and utter lack of anyone of a customer variety, I spent most of the day draped dramatically over the counter, sighing loudly while Aaron laughed at me and said I looked like Scarlett O'Hara. This gave me a chance to say "Oh, Rhett!" in a southern accent, which I think we can all agree is always a damn good time.

We have Yorkshire meat pies. So despite the fact that now they make me think of Sweeney Todd ("Have a little priest!"), I am going to go eat them.

ETA: You know what wakes you up? Chasing a horse, that's what.


Anonymous said...

Oh I am so very sure that chasing a horse would wake almost anyone up......I hope you don't ever need to wake up that way again!!!! As awful as this entire thing was it could have bee worse...I COULD HAVE BEEN IN CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please find another way to wake up!!!! I can't take another one of those wake up calls...too, too scary.....But, really, thanks for your help - what would we have done without you??? What if you had still been at work or something???? The sheriffs already are staking out our house for scenes of insanity, I am sure...