Monday, September 21, 2009

Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

I've begun researching my thesis because I freaked out last week when I realized I had about six weeks to do all of it in. A lot of the material I'm looking at is pointing towards Lumen Gentium, even though I'm actually writing about Nostra Aetate. So I decided to print it off the Vatican Archives website and oh hey, that bad boy is 40 pages long.


So after I pry my contact lenses off my eyes after all that reading, I'm going to have to go to Office Max to buy some more ink.

This is very exciting, I know.


rockford said...

Let's be honest here, I'm guessing that you are going to Office Max so that I can buy more ink...correct??? Just kidding...:)

mickey said...

did you try the ink place across the street from office max....much cheaper!!!!