Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Note and Radiocarbon Dating

Okay, I know the title doesnt make a whole heck of a lot of sense, but stay with me. First, I just want do a little note about my other blog, but as nobody reads it, I thought I'd put it up here. (Side Note: Start reading it!!! I'm not doing this for me! I know how I feel! It's even linked on the sidebar, for heavens sakes!!!)

Anyhoodles, the new fall season has started (at least on most stations) and therefore all of my evenings are taken up by television. Aside from the detriment this poses to my social life (you'll be getting a schedule soon, Mary), it means I will be starting again with reviews of what was on the night before. But things are going to be a little bit different.

When I started TV Watch last season, my plan was to write about the shows that I watched the evening before and give everyone (or the three people who read it) my opinion. Thus, Arrested Development will have three more viewers. Or not. But whatever. This took some time and creativity. And, being lazy, I stopped doing it. However, this year, I have a fantastic schedule and a computor that I absolutely love typing on, so we're going back to basics.

For those of you who read the blog last season, you know my specialty is sarcastic reviews of my overly dramatic shows (CSI, Lost, Alias) as well as periodic reviews of train wreck shows that are just too good to pass up (Chaotic, Hooking Up). Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to parody sitcoms (unless they are completely unfunny on their own), as well as shows like ER that deal with topics that I even find hard to make fun of. How can you do a sarcastic review of Carter not being able to give AIDs medicine to starving mothers in Africa? Huh? You try. It doesn't work. (Of course, Carter's gone now, so I have no reason to watch...)

And I really, really love doing those. So we're going to keep it up. But I'm also returning to my original idea of periodically just writing regular reviews of shows that were on the night before, whether they were parody-worthy or not. This is especially true of the beginning of the season, as I will watch almost anything once (except Sex and the City). Also, if I haven't put up a review of a show within a week, forget about it. This was part of my problem last season. I would try to do six episodes of CSI: Miami from the last three months at one time and neglect the stuff that was on that week.

So, that's how things are going to work. CSI:Miami started on Monday, so expect a review shortly, and Lost is on tonight (we finally find out what's in the hatch!!!! I could pass out I'm so freakin' excited!!!), so that should be up soon. CSI: NY doesn't start until next week, but I will definately have something up on that, as it is right on par with oxygen in terms of importance for my existance. Okay? So we're good???

Moving on from stuff nobody cares about...all we did in art history this morning was have a little mock debate on radiocarbon dating. Three students pretended to be from the scientific point of view, and three pretended to be from the Christian point of view. And it was really interesting! Along with getting us out of actually having to pay attention to a powerpoint about prehistoric art and then do the corresponding reading, I mean. I understand what people mean when they advocate staying away from things that are contrary to your faith, because of the whole slippery slope mentality, but I kind of disagree on some points. Especially when it comes to science. I find that actually having to think about what your beliefs are, and entertain ways to fit different, new beliefs in makes you really think hard about your faith. In other words, I actually feel better about my faith after having to deal with other views, as I feel it strengthens it.

And now I'm late, so that was my philosophical thought for the day!!! :)


Anonymous said...

There just are too many shows to watch.....I can only tape so many and watch so many during any given glad the new season is here!!! :)

CMT said...