Monday, November 07, 2005

Long Break

I love my law professor. She presumably had to go be a lawyer and cancelled class today. Yay!!! So I have an hour and forty minute break with nothing to do!!! Well, except homework, but really, that's just a bummer if you know what I mean.

Of course, it's not as good as the long weekend some people in my family have. Who were all cozy and warm in bed as I was shivering in the closet without insulation trying to find my coat at seven thirty this morning. And will be arising in probably and hour to leisurly get dressed, have breakfast, and then be chaufferred to a friends house. Grrrr. But I digress...

Weekend was fun though. Got two adorable sweaters at Boston Store---loves me that store!!! Saturday night was full of thunderstorms...really big ones with loud thunder and lightning and sheets of rain. It was frickin' awesome!!! I love storms. I sat up on my bed and watched the rain fall for like half an hour. Then I got bored and watched my CSI: NY DVDs...we have decided (this is the royal we, I haven't actually discussed this with anyone...) that The Fall is Flack's greatest episode. He's so tortured and conflicted and everything...I do love me a tortured, conflicted guy that I can save!!! I think I have a maternal complex or something...

Sunday was good. We got up late and were kind of late for Mass, but no biggie. Kind of just lounged around the house for the rest of the day. Did Panera with Mary---super fun, girls. "There's a donut in the street!!! Let me out!!! Swing low and I'll just pick it up!!!" HAHAHAHA...Imladris, you crack me up...

Oooh, reading a super-good book, The Sisters. About the Mitford family. (Yeah, I didn't know hwo they were, either.) That Unity was messed up. Seriously, anybody who was that into Hitler...yeah, something's not quite right. My favorite line of the whole book so far was about the gifts that Unity received after she shot herself in the head (another Hitler thing, btw...). "Hitler sent a dozen roses." Now, that doesn't even seem real, does it??? We don't think about Hitler sending flowers, do we??? Freaky. And three of the five girls were devoted to one kind of facism or another!!! Decca was a communist, Unity wanted to sleep with Hitler (say it with me now..."ewwww!!!!"), and Diana was just a freak!!! Kudos to Imladris for recommending it. Love me some crazies!!!

Approximately twelve hours and forty-seven minutes before CSI:Miami tonight---crossover!!!! Yay!!!!

Approximately twenty-three hours and forty-seven minutes before I can go buy my copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on DVD!!! Yay!!!!! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice weekend.....not fair that some get to sleep in and others must get up before the sun!!! CSI-Miami should be great tonight!!! .0