Thursday, November 03, 2005

Things I Did Today

1.) Went to the grocery.

2.) Managed to get lost trying to find oatmeal.

3.) Bought oatmeal.

4.) Mixed oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

5.) Set something on fire, causing the stove to smoke.

6.) Filled kitchen with smoke.

7.) Set off smoke alarm.

8.) Fanned smoke away from the smoke alarm long enough to make it stop screaching.

9.) Baked approximately four dozen perfectly moist, chewy cookies.

10.) Ate approximately three dozen perfectly moist, chewy cookies.

11.) Watched Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason on DVD.

A productive day, I think.


Anonymous said...

Ok....I can identify with numbers 1-8....but after the smoke clears I still don't get good chewy cookies!!!! They sound wonderful and I like the way you spent your day!!!! If I could get good chewy cookies I too would eat most of them.....I usually get "bad" cookies and still eat most of them....sad but TRUE!!!:):):)

CMT said...

Yes, I would say it was a productive day, as I devoured said cookies and thoroughly enjoyed aforementioned movie ;)