Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Not awkward, guys. Not awkward if we don't let it be awkward.

Her royal highness' majesty's long-awaited update. If only so I don't have to listen to her whine that I didn't manage a post in the approximately twelve minutes I was home today between driving two sets of people to and from the exact same place. *sigh*

On the educational front, the month of midterms is almost over, save for astronomy which I'm probably going to have to drop anyway so why waste any more time worrying about it?

I totally kicked the history midterm's ass, too, even with migraine and risking-my-life part. Ha. So proud.

Now just a bunch of papres. JMC is another article critique, and history is a five-page story/academic paper (wha...???) about the black death in Paris. I'm a nun, and I have to write about working at the Hotel Dieu. (Wanna know how stupid I am? When I first read it I was like, "Wait. Why am I at a hotel during a plague?" Then I realized that it was French for hospital. Heh. Nice to see all that last semester really paid off.)

Also, have to use primary sources, and the university library. Boooo!!! Poor form. The library smells funny, and I don't like going in there.

We have been explicitly told that Wikipedia is NOT a source for an academic paper. *sigh* Whatever.

I'm actually not too worried about it, because it's only five pages, and the professor actually gives you some primary sources on her website, but Mary looks at this as though she's been sentenced to death and is now awaiting her beheading in the Tower. (This morning: "It's looming. It's just out there. I can't take it.") She needs to calm down.

Some random items:

Have decided to get my passport. I don't have any plans or any money, but I don't care. I want a passport.

Had a temporary disenchantment with my beloved this afternoon when I realized that the oil for the car door which was inexplicably on the top of the washer (Why? I have no idea.) had fallen over because the new one shakes a lot more during the spin cycle, and had leaked underneath the shelving unit and was seeping out.

Had to move the shelving unit, and use Simple Green to wipe it all up. I was not pleased.

*Begin Timely Rant*

Also something I'm not pleased with? The Empress. Who seems to feel that all the work she does around here, such as feeding herself and...um...bathing herself...? is more than enough, and when somebody rings the doorbell, there is no reason for her to rise from the couch and answer the door, because she is "watching something". Now, I'm not claiming to be doing anything terribly earth-shatteringly important here, but she is actually closer, and TV about equals blogging in terms of imporance.

*End Timely Rant*

I am unhappy with my blogger page-not the blog, but the actual webpage. I can't find a good template, and I can't come up with a fun title. *sigh* I'm thinking of checking my LiveJournal and seeing how difficult it would be to start using that. Plus, it has the infinately amusing LJ cut, which Blogger does not use. *tear*

Some links:

Damn. He loves that scarf, doesn't he?

*squee* A release date. Whee!!!

I'm gonna go...not sure. But I'm sure it'll be boring. :D

1 comment:

John T Jurkiewicz said...

Well i guess it is better than not bathing period. As the Hopi Indians are fond of saying "Everything is in the present."