Friday, March 02, 2007

Those were the days, my friend.

Okay, so I was totally going to do a post about something not PBS-related, and perhaps more related to how God is trying to smite me with weather plagues of biblical proportions, but I totally can't do that now.

Because I checked EW popwatch blog, and found *gasp* the "making orange crayons" song.

Remember that?

I actually thought it was from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, but whatever. Anyhoodles, it made me slightly nostalgic for childhood. Not terribly fun here in the almost-real world.

So, thanks to the benefits of the Exalted YouTube, I found all these old Sesame Street things that I totally remember!!! I'm so happy!!!

Okay. In retrospect, this is actually quite freaky.

I totally didn't know that was Tony Danza.

Or, as it was known in our house, C is for Colleen. Even as a mere heiress to the throne, the Empress knew how important she was.

This kid's approaching forty now.

My grandfather was so deeply amused by this. I'm not sure why.

GAH!! SOMEBODY COME AND PLAY!!!!The monkey freaked me out.

I thought the thingy at the beginning being hatched was a little bit nasty.

This made me freakishly hungry. Hmm. And I wonder why I've always had a twisted relationship with food.

And finally, a little crossover glory.

1 comment:

CMT said...

DOOOODE. HOW AWESOME ARE THESE VIDEOS. I totally remember the crayon one, though I haven't thought about it in years.

And I noticed that I am incorrectly referred to in the links section of your blog. *You* are Her Imperial Highness. *I* am Her Imperial Majesty. Squishidom is not a principality, capisce?