Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A chronicle of my inappropriate relationship with my washing machine.

This is my new washing machine. I love it. Possibly more than one should love a machine, and definately more than I love anything or anyone else in the house.

I don't even care that it's huge and incovenient and kind of maybe almost didn't allow us to close the bathroom door again ever---it is my beloved and I would have it's babies.

But an advantage to it being huge and inconvenient? The drum is way bigger, and the towels that would have taken me two loads only take one now. Woot woot. Also, there's a little time remaining thingy that I am infinately amused by. Ooh, and a light inside the dryer so when you open it it's all white and bright. Oooh. So pretty.

All hail the machine that brings me clean sheets. Whee!!!

Spent the entire morning listening to every single professor say "OMG MIDTERM COMING DROP NOW OR PROCEDE AT YOUR OWN PERIL OMG", which was not terribly comforting. Although I did start to laugh in art history when the TA was talking about the Last Supper and said, "Okay. And because of that stupid book by Dan Brown now I have to talk about the figure on the left. That is John the Evangelist. It is not Mary Magdalene. If you say it's Mary Magdalene on the exam, I will mark you wrong for being so stupid. I don't care that you saw the damn movie, it's all fake."


So between art history and The Class of the Damned, I've been thinking of nothing more recent that 1400 within the last two weeks. And frankly it's starting to get to me. Just FYI, if you're ever looking for a fun way to kill an afternoon, reading prmiary sources from 1250 is not an option. Just no.

Although my favorite one? Where the bishop is doing his rounds and finds two monks doing it. Oh yeah. Gotta love that shit.

Bought The Prestige on DVD today, and completed my Hot Guys Who Can Also Do Tricks No Not Like That You Perv set. *is happy*

Unfortunately, the Empress is detained at her place of business tonight and we cannot watch it, alas. But perhaps it's for the best- those styrofoam balls and windchimes aren't going to sell themselves.

Seriously running out of space on my DVD shelf, though. I need to expand.

Is it wrong that I hate Amy a lot? Shut up I know she's not real.

In preparation for the Greatest! Concert! Ever! on Saturday, I perused the boards to find out how much merchandise was, and oh holy shit I'm going to need a second job just to pay for all the crap I want.

The pink and brown Awake hoodie? $75. WTF???

The t-shirts are only about thirty, though, and the key chain (I clearly need a keychain) is only five. *sigh*

The obviously inflated prices is just another thing I'm going to have to talk to Josh about after we're married. No, I'm not entirely sure when I'll have time to marry Josh between having Edward Norton's babies and moving in with my washing machine, but thank you for asking.

Going to go make my bed with NEW! CLEAN! SHEETS! *squee*


CMT said...

Oh. We want to be Mary. Amy. Whatevs.

rockford said...

OK, I love the machine too so we are both troubled....I may not use it as much as you do but the guilt of having my daughter have to take the laundry I should be doing to the laundramat (sp??) was more than I could handle!!! It is a cool set, isn't it????? We did an ok job out there by ourselves!!! OK, maybe we should have checked the size a little better but all the machines were that big - they don't make those little ones anymore.....enjoy watching the clothes go round and round!!!! Yes, the concert is coming!!!!!!