Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day 7 of the Cold that Won't Quit: I want to die. Preferrably before my psych discussion on Friday.

*long, drawn out gurgling/groaning noise*

I. Don't. Feel. Good.

(So not good that I'm not even going to correct the flagrant violation of my personal cardinal rule of grammar committed in the sentence above.

I've been on a rigorous four-hour cycle of DayQuil today, which allowed me to actually drag my poor soppy body to Egyptian civ this morning, because OMG MAJOR TEST COMING SOON YOU'D BETTER DROP THE CLASS OR ELSE!!! or something, and I felt scared shitless compelled to go.

Then I came home and watched Boston Legal. And now the sheer effort of typing is exhausting me and causing my mucous membranes to stage a revolution.

The Grand Duchess is not amusing.

Le anyhoodles, the second half of my title falls under the List of Things That I Never Ever Want to Do Ever In Life EVER DID YOU HEAR ME???

This list was previously topped by things like eat spinach (age five), wear pink (age eleven), assorted lesser treasons (post-9/11, age fourteen), speak in public (age sixteen-present), become a journalist (age nineteen), and marry anyone other than Josh Groban (age twenty).

(Yes. It is a strange list.)

(Could I use a few more parentheses?)


(Back to our post...)

However, my desire to offer myself sacrificial-virgin-like at the alter of Groban took a step down today when I got an e-mail from my psych TA with our weekly discussion assignment.

About Freud.

And his freaky sex stuff.

(Yes, I know it has another name. But it is freaky sex stuff.)

Yep, children, I am going to have to turn in a paper on and discuss psychosexual development- in class, with my peers, and one guy I think is kind of hot.

I am not a prude. At all. I think we established that with the sacrificial virgin comment above. But this is just disgusting. For instance, which aspect should I focus my analysis on?

1.) The concept that all women are deeply masochistic, due to childbirth, and therefore we all have rape/abuse fantasies. (Although this would explain the romance section at work. Who knew so many women wanted to have sex with vampires? I sure didn't...)

2.) The phallic stage. (I'm sorry. I am not saying the word "phallic" in public. Ever.)

3.) Little boys want their moms, but worry their dads are going to get mad that they want their moms and cut off their...um...phallic areas. (Typing's easier than speaking...)

4.) Little girls want their dads, and emulate their moms in an effort to get him. (Oh God no.)

5.) All women want male reproductive organs. (Um...oookay....)

And I'm all for a mature discussion of the theories surrounding sexual development in adolescents in the academic setting. I mean, there's not a chance in hell I'd participate in it, but still. Except that Freud is almost universally accepted as a CROCK OF SHIT. So there is no reason for this damn assignment.


There aren't enough participation points in the world.

I'm going to go watch The Office and then see if I feel well enough to brave four lectures in a row on a nasty-ass bus with other people's germs eww all over.
Good night.


Anonymous said...

I do wish your cold would leave....but even in your ill state you have written a wonderful blog......I would love to be a fly on the wall during that psych class.....sex with a vampire....ewwwwwwwwwww

Anonymous said...

how could you even write a blog feeling the way you are feeling???? and such a funny one, no less!!?? I do feel sorry for you with your assingment - that would not be a small group class I would want to take part in -- yuk.....is it even worth saying "have fun"?????? enjoyed the update but take care of yourself!!!!!

CMT said...

Men suck. Men who think they know ANYTHING about female sexuality? SUCK EVEN WORSE.