Monday, September 03, 2007

Why John Edward should be running for President instead of John Edwards.

Because he could look the country straight in the eye an tell us that Iraq is going swimmingly and we're all okay and gas prices are totally going down and thousands and thousands of overweight ethnic women will COMPLETELY BUY IT.

God. Crossing Over is my new favorite show.

He just told an Italian woman from New York that she had a large family and passed down kitchen appliances. And the woman was flabbergasted 'cuz OMG MY HUSBAND MUST HAVE TOLD HIM THAT!?!?!?!? God knows that there's no way he could tell that an Italian family would have a bunch of kids and maybe be frugal.


I love morons. They make such good TV.

(Oh great. Now they're crying. I love it when they cry.)

I have to be back in school in like sixteen hours, so I'm just going to do some links and then go wallow. (Oh, I'm kidding. I'm kind of happy.)

You need to find yourself a girl, mate.

I don't know where to look. It doesn't matter. It's all good.

Okay, whoever did the cover of this DVD set shaved about twenty lbs off of ALL of them. Bergan has a waist, y'all, and Spader hasn't looked like that since Secretary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your links.....I want the Boston Legal photographer to come take my Christmas card picture!!!!!!