So I ended up on the London Times e-mail list because it was the only way I could get a story for school, and I kind of skim it, because I find it way more interesting than the constant "OH MY GOD, Bush just dropped another point in the polls- should we impeach him just for being unpopular?" that we have here, and this morning I opened it and found this article, complete with a cartoon. Oh, Tony. Don't you have enough to worry about what with your wife cavorting with porn stars and ex-cons, and your son crashing into just about every lamppost in London? 1.2 million pounds??? According to my trusty currency website, that's like A LOT of money. Sheesh. No wonder he's our bitch.
There was also an article about Prince Harry graduating from his little military place. It is entirely possible that Prince Harry will be sent to Iraq or Afgahnistan. Yeah. That's totally gonna happen.We listened to the sappy Don McClean version of Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) in art. Josh did a way better job. The guy who brought it in said he felt like throwing his entire iPod away because it sucked so bad. Josh has quite a little following in that class---one of the girls was trying to convince this guy that he'd even swoon over him because he's so pefect. He is. *sigh* I'll bet she's never driven to the middle of Illinois to peel off fifties in a McDonald's parking lot for tickets that may or may not actually exist. Yeah, I have some problems...
Speaking of Josh, somebody seriously has to tell Boy to get his a** is gear. It's been two and a half years since his last CD, and I'm worried that people will forget/stop caring about him. Because not everybody has pledged to mother his children like I have!!!! Okay, returning to earth...
Capital punishment debate in government today. The girl I was working with on another project has to argue agianst it, and she's a little bit scared of what the class will do to her. They kind of all come from the fundamentalist fry 'em attitude. I don't agree, but I also don't speak in class, so Jenny's on her own with this one...
Only twenty-four hours and I'll officially be on Easter break. It will be less than that, though, because we're takig a taking a law test, and it shouldn't take me long ot fail with that. I have such confindence.
In celebrity news, well, not a whole lot going on. Maggie Gyllenhaal is having a baby and engaged to the Worst Air Marshal Ever from Flightplan. I don't really care, because she pissed me off when she said we were partly responsible for 9/11.
Oooh, updated my other blog. Read and comment, please!!! Also look for freakish amounts of updates later this week, because I have a full evening of new shows tonight (CSI:NY- Supermen. Somebody please tell me Flack has something to do with this!!!) and CSI and Without a Trace are new on Thursday. Yayness!!!
Oh yeah that early every morning thing is a real drag!!!! I am sure you will enjoy all the London love that stuff I know!!! I hope you have a greeeeeat Easter break and I don't think you will really fail any tests!!!!! Yes tonight will be a full night of TV...and I need to see with AI goes home tonight....!!! I will most certainly read your TV blog!!!!
Oh Tony Blair. We respect you not only as a Prime Minister...
not just the spin doctors...
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