Monday, April 10, 2006

Too Damn Warm

It's supposed to be 62 degrees today. Watch my hair grow three times it's size. BOOOO!!!!

(Icons aren't working. should die.)

As per your requests, I put up a Master post on my TV blog...enjoy the sarcastic meanness. :)

So how was everybody's weekend??? Good? Good. Mine was quite fun. Went to Boston Store and got pretty clothes (yay!!!) and then Panera and ate too much to fit into said pretty clothes (yay!!!) and then went for coffee on Sunday. Yay!!!! Good times. Good times.

Watched bunches of movies this weekend, and came to the conclusion that war is generally hell. On Saturday I stole Imladris's DVD and watched Casablanca. Upper, no? I've never actually seen Casablanca in it's entirety and was expecting to be quite sad. I wasn't. She should have gone with Victor Laszlo. He was her husband. And, excuse me, he was in a concentration camp while you were galavanting all over Paris with Humphrey Bogart. *cough*Whore*cough* Did love the ending though, with Boggie and the funny short Nazi. teehee.

Then I watched Saving Private Ryan. Wow. They were not kidding about the first twenty minutes. At the beginning I was just like, "Eh. I've seen worse. ABC had to put a warning before this?" And the the battle started, I guess. Damn. I saw some guy's intestine. While he was still alive. *shivers* Speilberg has some issues.

So I'm totally late for class. Bugger.


Anonymous said...

Oh icons....what a drag:):):) Glad you had a great weekend...sounds like lots of fun!!!! I usually watch all the same shows etc. that you like, but one category of shows, movies etc that I just WON'T watch are thosing dealing with war....I wouldn't even watch MASH and everyone loved that show.......Glad you had a good time!!!!! Hope Jerry B never comes out with a war show....I just won't be able to watch....So how does the TV lineup look for tonight????? the pink on the blog for Spring...looking good!!!!!

rockford said...

once again, just like the tv shows, you are way ahead of me...I have never seen any of the movies of which you speak:( I realy do need to be a bit more on top of cultural expectations -- I mean hasn't everyone seen Casablaca by the time they are my age??? Well, at least I have your blog to keep me somewhere close to American culture and pop culture!!!! Thanks for the help!!!! Miss the icons - what is with that site?????