Thursday, June 22, 2006

Nikki Gonna Be Your Godmother

Summer is getting to me. I'm not even sure what day it is. Thursday maybe??? *checks calendar* Hey- I was right!! I'm so smart.

Summer is also getting to me because I have lost any and all ability I may have had to organize and actually get things done. Other than cleaning the brewery yesterday (and coming to the conclusion that her host family drinks way too much--- does one really need that many different kinds of bourbon???) Lupe has done nothing since the Bathroom Endevour of Tuesday afternoon. Except a couple loads of laundry. Which barely even count, because she lost the will to fold them. Oh well, maybe she'll feel better today. She has promised herself that she will Magic Eraser the kitchen floor tomorrow. And she has a mother of a guilt complex (I think Lupe's part Jewish), so she probably will do that. See??? That's productive.

At least I got to sleep in this morning, unlike yesterday. I was awakened at six thirty to gale force winds blowing through my bedroom. I woke up enough to lock the windows and pull my blanket over my head so that if the windows blew in at least the chards of glass wouldn't maim me. At six thirty I was really more concerned with permanent facial scarring than the windows blowing in. Yes, this is the throught process you have to go through when you live in a Matrix-like wind tunnel.

But then there apparently were some major storms, and Mommy Dearsest rousted us an hour later because she was worried about the top floor being taken off. Which is another sadly valid fear. So I curled up in a bundle on the living room floor and listened to the Today show (wow, they really did lose something with Katie) for awhile before it was late enough to actually start the day. But not before I brushed my teeth. The top floor would actually have to be gone before I go downstairs without brushing my teeth. *shivers*

Speaking of other nocternal horrors (and no, I don't meant the stifling heat of last night), I had this awful dream last night. I had this really long Latin assignment, but instead of just translating words, their were really hard (like Numb3rs hard) math problems that you had to do that somehow ended up translating the Latin. And it was right before school and I only had one done and you can't cheat on math problems like you can cheat on Latin. ("Um...yeah...veritas...something about truth...I'm guessing masculine accusative singular...")

Authors Bad Student Note: Little hint should you ever find yourself in Latin, children. If you get called on and you have butchered/not done at all the assignment, just say masculine accusative singular. Most nouns are masculine, and unless it's the first word in the sentence or follows cum it's almost gotta be accusative. Singular is more of a crapshoot, but when the professor looks at your stangely it's easier to say, "Oh, right, plural. I just misread my notes." If you screw up another one you have to go through like five cases, and by the third one you start to look less and less knowlegdable. :) Number is easy, there are only two!!!

Okay, so I can't do this and school is starting and it's math and foreign language and I'm hyperventillating and then I finally wake up. Wow. Do you think I'm a little bit crazy about my math/foreign language combination in fall???

Just a little one for Colleen---I'll never forget that look of barely constrained desperation in Starbucks---"Who is that? You have to tell me who that is!!!" Teehee.

Got my schedule for next week. Twelve whole hours. It's better than nothing, I guess. Have to miss Numb3rs, though. Bugger. Those DVDs are awesome, btw. The last one I watched Don got to rescue a five-year-old. My Inner Mother passed out halfway through. Seriously. I have a mother thing. Stick a baby in some guy's arms and I will love him forever. I'm so weird.

How happy are we for Nicole? So happy. Especially since I think baby Suri either never existed or has been taken and sacrificed to some shrine Tom has to L. Ron Hubbard in his basement. Probably right next to where he's keeping Katie chained up to the water heater. Seriously. It's been over two months. This from the man who probably would have broadcast her conception if he thought anyone would watch. Something is not kosher here. And Lupe would know.

Finally, I just had to link to the 213 Things Skippy Isn't Allowed to Do in the Army Anymore, as it is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. (Some are slighlty off-color, just warning ya). I can't even pick a favorite. Probably between the Princess Anastisia one and "The Revolution is not now". I laughed so hard.

Have a good day, everybody!!!


CMT said...

IK. The Today team is absolute desolation now that they are sans Katie.

As is The View. I mean, Meredith added, like, an iota of credibility. Now they're just...cranky bitches in the morning.

And it's spelled noctUrnal. Git er dunnnn!!!!

rockford said...

I STILL have college dreams once in awhile - you kow - the kind where it is the day of the exam and you have not started to read the text book yet???? and, as you know, school was a year or two ago for me!!!! your cleaning plans are sad, sad, sad, - I just hate it that you have to help so much - it just breaks my heart and makes me all sorts of really upset - maybe I will be able to pick up again soon- oh, I do hope so!!!!! At least now with better numbers I can save you from the birds in the garage by helping with the dinner chore!!!!!:):) I love it too!!! Running late - will finish comment later:)!!!!!!