Friday, June 08, 2007

My last shred of dignity is gone.

I actually sat and watched Fox News this afternoon as Paris was ordered to return to prison. And now I actually feel kind of badly for her, what with the whole calling out for her mom thing.

Also in court news (which garnered barely and "Oh, yeah, remember that crazy who shot her husband???" from the announcer), Mary Winkler gets like five minutes. Roughly.

Wait. Just one more. Frankly, I've had McEnough (not mine, got it from It's official. I'm never watching Grey's Anatomy again. Here's my suggestion---Bailey goes and joins Addison and the crazy whiny bitches and McDreamy, who is one estrogen shot away from being a crazy whiny bitch himself (Let me go, Meredith...oh what the hell???), just go and lose the ratings war to CSI. *sniff*

My life not nearly as interesting. I watched three hourse of The Starter Wife on USA today, and wow summer TV is not what it should be. Creepy Hot Homeless guy may have killed Guy Who Co-Hosts the Memorial Day Thing On Channel 10 With Gary Sinise Every Year. (Yes. That is is name.)

Eh. I don't have anything better to do. I'll watch again.

Been reading a crapload recently, especially since I discovered that I can actually take books from work as long as I tell a manager about it. Oh, and bring them back. I can now read all the crappy new releases I know I'm going to hate but want to say I've read anyway (read: A Thousand Splendid Suns. I'm the only person in the world who thought the Kite Runner was boring.). Whee!!!

Or I could ride my horse. *chokes on the laughter*

Or watch bad summer TV. And we have a winner.


CMT said...

Yeah, that show really was bad. I'd like to know what happens, I guess, but not enough to actually watch. You'll have to keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

Didn't see the show....but so hard to think of Grace as anyone but Grace!!!! Wow what a perfect job for get to read their books....yeah