Monday, June 04, 2007

An uncharacteristic burst of activity.

Pretty much since classes let out my days have consisted of eating (mmm, cheesecake), sleeping, experimenting with mineral foundation (very good look, but my skin is so oily that it disappears after about ten minutes *sigh*), and making Blockbuster runs (A Very Long Engagement??? Really boring and LOTS of stuff I didn't want to see. Even I could barely get through it.). And that's about it.

But today already I've cleaned the kitchen, put away my winter clothes, separated my shoes into wear and don't wear categories, done a couple loads of laundry, and made a Facebook album from this weekend. I am very pleased with myself.

This should be enough activity for about a month awhile.

Broke my own rule about not going to see any other movie as long as Pirates is at the theater yesterday, and saw Knocked Up with the Empress. Pretty funny, really vulgar, and OH HOLY MOTHER THAT'S AN ACTUAL BIRTH RIGHT THERE.

I. Am never. Having children. EVER.

Also, I don't think I can watch Grey's Anatomy again.

Bunches of old people, who were whining about the language all through the movie. I'm sorry. You bought a ticket to a movie called KNOCKED UP. You had to say it to the ticket lady. What the hell did you think you were going to get??? And there was this woman sitting next to us who was commenting on various plot developments as they occurred, which was massively annoying.

That kid cracks me up. Also, she really looks like either my mom or my aunt. I can't figure out which one.

So, as the Facebook album linked above indicates, the Tsarevitch finished eighth grade this week, and much partying was had by all. I'm very sorry that there aren't more of the actual person the party was thrown for in the album, but I for one hate looking at other people's party picks, so twenty-five shots of John opening cards from various relatives wouldn't be too interesting. So I just put up the funny random ones instead.

Le anyhoodles, it was a very good time, and The Boy John (I'm trying to be nice here) got a ton of money, a bunch of Stargate/Kingdom of Something/Whatever crap that I don't understand, and a freaking iPod. This has not unplugged from his ears since I showed him how to use it on Saturday night. I'm kind of scared that the earbuds aren't going to come out, but rather he's grown protective bone over them or something.

Also, we had very good cake, and the lovely twisty pastry thingies that I'm having at my wedding.

^^^That is a picture of my third DVD player in as many months, it seems like. The last one (free because I know someone who bought a massively expensive HD TV because she was convinced it saved her money I don't know I've stopped asking) broke on Saturday morning, which was terribly unfortunate as a.) I'm broke, b.) it trapped a library DVD in it, and c.) see a re: b (they don't let you just keep those, damn them).

Fortunately, John was so preoccupied with iGoodness that I could spirit his player away and acknowledge it as my own mwhahaha. (Okay. He gave me permission.) And now I have entertainment again, which is just loverly as Target had the first season of Bones on sale for $16.99 last week. I know, right? Couldn't pass it up, mate.

Okay, I'm linking less about the article and more about the booking photo. It looks more professional than many studio photographs I've seen. And it appears she won't get the chance to be anyone's bitch. *sigh*

I'm going to go eat leftovers, but happy anniversary to Mommy and Daddy!!! I really hope that my orphan convert with an accent who makes over 150 k a year and I make it that long. :D


Arbiter-117 said...

OK, a few things:

1). Thank you for not (really) calling me The Boy.

2). Actually, the Stargate thing was correct, so nothing to say there.

3). It is not "Kingdom of Something", it is "Kingdom Hearts". Big difference.

4). I have too taken the earbuds out. Just, apparently, not when you have seen me.

Ok, I am finished now. Nice Post.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo glad the graduate liked the ipod....sooooo sorry the "free" dvd player know the old saying "you get what you pay for":):):)....I don't remember the HD tv saves money conversation?????? Great blog as usual!!!!!!