Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I Don't Feel Much Like a Title Today.

So I know this guy who doesn't have a stove. Or rather, he has a stove, but it's located right under the freakishly sensitive fire alarm and so as a qualification of the lease he is not allowed to actually use it. Previously, I assumed that this would be a minor incovenience, I mean, how much do you really use a stove?

Now I feel like calling him and asking what he's making for dinner.

Because our stove has been out for days, and I'm starting to get really annoyed with pancakes and grilled cheese. Maybe if someone would listen to me about buying some canned chicken, we wouldn't have this problem, but they never do. *sigh*

It was actually easier to stop at Alterra than come up with something to eat this afternoon. I'm not even kidding.

A very funny HP 7 parody:No way should a nine-year-old boy sound like Alan Rickman.

Also? Apparently after I have an adorable baby boy who looks just like Baby Neville, he's going to grow up to be wicked sexy.

I officially give Colleen my approval to marry him. (I'd do it myself, but he's a little young. I'll pause here for a "Yeah, he was born *after* the Nazi cause was defeated" joke or something from my faithful friends...)

I have to work all day tomorrow, and frankly this is putting a crimp in my plans of going to Starbucks. *sigh* But I do get to watch The Office at night. Whee!!!

If only I had real friends...


CMT said...

Um. Dude. Neville is, like, eight different kinds of sexy. Who's in favor of killing off Harry and making it all about La Longbottom?

Anonymous said...

I thought the stove was working again!!!!!! Ahhhhhh,.,. tell the rents I know of an electric one that needs a home......