Saturday, July 07, 2007

Vaguely Sentimental, But More a Testament to My Nerdiness.

Entertainment Weekly came today (Transformers on the cover...boring), and Stephen King's column, which I tend to avoid because Stephen King is generally a boring person with a bloated ego who knows far too much about creepiness for my taste. Although I do own a copy of Secret Window. Obviously. But this week, it was about the end of Harry Potter, and how emotional it was going to be for the millions of people who have read them.

And I promise that this is not to discuss Harry, although as the last two weeks of entries will attest, Hi, my name is Kathleen and I'm a fangirl. I did not grow up with Harry Potter. It did not define my childhood. I promise I'm not going to cry when I read the last one, because omg this last month has been so important! (Well, I might, but only because I'm going to have to work that ENTIRE WEEKEND BASTARDS. *ahem*)

But it made me think about how I felt about the books that I really did love. I did cry at the end of Betsy's Wedding. I cried at the end of the last Nancy Drew book (I didn't read them in order, but I actually did read the last one last- I don't know why.), because I couldn't imagine that Nancy didn't have anything else to do. When I read Gone with the Wind I burst into tears and then started reading it immediately again because I couldn't bear to be without it. And Christy---I was all about Christy. Christy was where it was at.

And in more recent years (I don't cry so much anymore, really), I felt the same way about The Historian, Bridget Jones' Diary, Rebecca, Push Not the River, Bleak House, and North and South.
I totally think that characters have their own lives, too.

Yes, I am a dork.

Thus concludes this evening's vaguely sentimental portion of the blog.

Larry is still here.

I have not hit Larry.

I am pleased with myself.

I should clarify- I am not opposed to Larry. I'm very pleased that we are able to assist Mickey with her moving business by having Larry in the driveway. I am convinced, however, that I will hit Larry with one of the cars that don't belong to me, which would be...oh, all of them, because I am Teh Poor. Because I am not so good with the backing up. Actually, really bad with the backing up. And the parking. I've been driving for four years and I still need spaces on either side.

I have such a filthy mind...


Okay, this is going to seem really random, but it's my new favorite website.

Do you want to laugh? Really hard? At a cat? Then I have the website. My personal favorite? Im in yur gardn. Luvn ur bunniez. HAHAHAHA. *ahem*

BLASPHEME!!! YOU DO NOT DENIGRATE THE MEMORY OF MR. ROGERS!!! He clearly did NOT make us all narcissists. MTV did that.

Oooh. I smell sandwiches. I go in search of them.


Anonymous said...

I love the bunny picture - it reminds me of our precious little Preston who I still miss so much and still look for when I walk past that sad....speaking of sad, ow dare ANYONE speak like that about Mr. Rodgers...he was the best thing on tv for all of those years (well, Sesame Street and Barney and Wishbone, etc. - all were wonderful!!!) but, still, MR. RODGERS!!!!!! How dare they!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain.....I always cry when I get to the end of my Disney World and Vegas books also:):):)