Saturday, October 06, 2007

A Scene of Hysteria

Dank basement lecture hall.

Professor Who Hasn't Realized that Three Years of Failing Averages Maybe Is His Fault (heretofor known as Bastard) enters, carrying a large folder.

Morena: Are those the tests? Oh my gosh, I think those are the tests.

Mary: *looks* Oooh, I think they are. I need to know what I got.

Morena: *hyperventillates*

Bastard: So these are the graded tests...

Morena: *Givethembackgivethembackgivethembackgivethemback*

Bastard: ...I'm not going to give them back yet...

Morena: *kills Bastard in head*

Bastard: ...but I will put up the grades on the board without names so you can see how the class did.

Author's Note: How the hell would this accomplish anything? I don't give a flying rat's ass what anyone else got on the damn test. Just give me my own damn grade.

Morena: *looks at carnage on the overhead. The class average was a 55%, and only twenty people got above a C. That should give you some indication.* Oh my God I failed. I failed. So hard. No one will ever love me. I'll die alone.

Mary: So, do you want to share a box on the street? Because I don't think we'll be able to afford our own.

Morena: *more hyperventillating*

End Scene.

Just so you know, I didn't fail after all. I got a B+. So maybe I can get my own box.


Anonymous said...

Yeah for you.....I knew you would not fail.....:):):)

Anonymous said...

congratulations.....see you are not only lovable but you are SMART too!!! You worry almost as much as your mother:) and that is not a healthy thing......we are so proud of you thought - you are doing such a great job again this semester!!!!