Friday, July 14, 2006

Not as interesting when it speaks.

Calm down children, I have not abandoned you. I was just busy warming over death. That's all. I have been slightly under the weather lately---it started off as one of my infrequent but painful nonetheless migraine symptom things, but according to my brilliant doctor (the woman who tried to beat a tumor into submission), it's just a virus that's going around and I'll be fine in a little while. Which is infinately satisfying, as I'm choosing to believe her over my scary chicken pox and hair loss nightmares.

Because I DO have a couple little red dots. Which I think are stress/heat (because it's roughly---oooh---112 degrees outside). So even though I was a freaky child and never had chicken pox, I'm thinking it hasn't decided to attack me now.

Okay, and the hair loss nightmares are purely psychological, but you can think of a bunch of scary shit at four o'clock in the morning when you're lying awake wanting to die. I began to think about whether or not the whole crippling headache was perhaps indicative of a greater problem, such as a brain aneurysm, which would either kill me instantly like a family friend which is very sad, or require me to have surgury that would require head shaving, and you know you can't find long wigs that look natural and I don't have bangs so how the hell would that work, and what if my doctors are all insanely hot like on House and I'm BALD!!!!! *ahem* I didn't say it made sense.

Feeling infinately better today, though.

Probably not good enough, however, to go see Pirates again today, which is terribly depressing as it's been almost a week and Imladris has now seen it twice more than me (*grumbles*). And the Boy was listening to the soundtrack on iTunes and I MUST SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe this weekend.

Did watch the fun extras from the first one, and we are currently struggling with our morality because we REALLY want to to rent Coupling. I probably won't, but still.

Seriously, y'all. I'm going into withdrawal.

Before I was felled by a nasty virus, I got to rescue Mary on Wednesday when she was stranded after her placement tests and abandoned by her drunken friends. I probably didn't need an hour and a half round trip with a migraine threatening, but I felt very badly for her as I could tell she was a little panicky and scared. As I would have been. Actually, I probably would have been curled up in the fetal position unable to dial my cell phone.

One word: Johnny. All you need for your summer blockbuster.

Going to go suck down some Tylenol.


Racergirl179 said...

I still owe you for picking me up that day! I'm thinking a showing of Pirates once you are better and I have cash. Which will be soon, I promise!

rockford said...

I am so sorry that you are feeling ill - last night you really, really looked like a very unhappy (and unhealthy) camper!!!!! Hope those little red dots disappear - you would think that some adult in your life would know if they are dangerous, wouldn't you:).....I know what you mean about the mind at 4 in the morning - strange things come to mind don't they - and they all seem to make such sense at that time of night!!!!:( Get better and go see those pirates again, and again, and again,and many more showings to fit in!!!! And, yes, you are a good friend and that is a very important thing to always be!!!

CMT said...

Yes. Racergirl does still owe you.

Just kidding.

(No, I'm not)

See, racergirl, sometimes it's fun to sit on random guy's laps. But where are they a few days later when you're stranded in the city? They're passed out at home, hungover.

So yeah.