Friday, January 12, 2007

I officially have too much time on my hands.

I was in a vegging mood this afternoon, and thought to myself, "Self- it's been awhile since you witnessed the immense acting talent that is Joaquin Phoenix," also, I really didn't want to wipe the kitchen floor.

So I got The Village from the library (they didn't have Walk the Line---boo) and watched it, and it was actually quite good. I saw it in theaters when it came out about two and a half years ago, and inadvertantly figured out the major twist (not that major, but whatever) half an hour in, and kind of don't remember anything else except that the camera panned away when Joaquin Phoenix and Spawn of Opie started to make out and I was quite depressed.

It help up quite well under a second viewing though, and is actually kind of a good movie in it's own right. It did bring to mind some unanswered questions, though, so there are some spoilers if you haven't seen it and are planning on it (although it's been out for two years, so you should get on that).

First, what, exactly, were their plans to prevent inbreeding? You can build an entire little civilization and pay off the government and keep a bunch of teenagers contained to one stinkin' field (it would take and act of God, I tell you, not just some faux-Puritans) and you can't figure out that your kids are going to have to marry their cousins? Because I counted like ten families at most, and those ten, even if you only let certain families marry into certain families or something to keep the family tree realtively forked, can only last you two or three generations at most. And then there's gonna be some poor little grandchild with flippers who thinks it 1897.

Also, I wasn't aware that in order to teach history at the University of Pennsylvania you had to be able to speak English the way they did in the 1850s, but apparently it's a requirement.

Did they not have combs in 1897? Because everyone's hair was going every which way and an hour in it really started to bug me.

And who the hell killed the dogs??? What cold-hearted bastard did that??? Ivy's dad said he thought it was one of the elders, but they never cleared it up. And now I don't know and it's bugging me. Damn you M. Night Shyamalan.

Finally, where the hell did Main Guy With Preternaturally Pretty Daughters find all these damaged people whose lives had been ripped apart by violence? Did he troll support groups? Because that's kind of sick, actually.

Le anyhoodles, it was interesting and kind of funny and has Judy Greer who is my Favorite Sidekick of All Time, except I feel kind of badly for her because she's so good she deserves her own career but she's so good at being a sidekick that she probably won't ever have one.

Ummm, yeah, if we want to call crack "technical problems". Oh, Paula. It's been a long time since the Laker girl days, hasn't it???

Well, I'm off to go eat dinner and watch Grey's Anatomy---yes, I realize it's a day late but I simply have too much to watch on Thursdays. Thankfully, ABC and their utter lack of dramatic shows to fill up the primetime hours is looking out for me.

1 comment:

CMT said...

