Monday, January 22, 2007

You've never once called them by their names, preferring to address them as "mister" or "senor".

Oof. Feel bloated. I know you all really wanted to know that. This is what happens when my father makes lasagna and cheesecake that apparently we're saving for when the Russians take over because it wasn't ready last night. What the hell??? How is a cheesecake not ready???

Sooo, here in the Land of No Life At All, my plan to marry a monarch and not continue with this whole quest for higher education didn't exactly pan out, probably because unless a monarch happened to be in the laundry room or my local Blockbuster (unlikely) there was no way I could have possibly met him, as those are kind of the only two places I went. Which is a little bit sad.

Wait, no. I went ice skating once. And spent more time pulling people down onto the ice with me than actually skating. I don't know what you would call that...

Incredibly long digression aside, I returned to classes this morning with Mary, and have decided that if we could combine logic prof's accent with astronomy guy's, well, I guess the rest of him, Monday would be the highlight of my week. Sadly, logic guy looks like Ron Weasley's rat in one of the Harry Potter movies. Three maybe? Or four? Not sure, but he looks like him. Sad, no?

Tomorrow I have the rest of the classes, journalism, art history, regular history, and then back to art history. Somewhere in there I'll eat a granola bar and die.

I kind of really want those shoes. Except I'm pretty sure I'd have to ransom my not-yet-conceived first born to buy them, as the paltry earnings I make at work probably won't cover them. Aww, hell, I can't afford Target. Really. Now that they have those international lines, out of my league.

Speaking of work and so forth, all hail the gainfully employed Empress!!! Who was hired because she brought something to the table that apprently no one else did---an application. She was hired in six minutes this afternoon after doing no more than turning in an application and saying, "Yeah, I can work weeknights." So snaps for her!!!

Meanwhile, why the hell did I have to go through the freakin' Nuremburg trials to get my job making coffee??? It was hardly a CEO position or a think tank---I'm not even selling the books!!! They made me come in for an interview, and then wait a week because they were interviewing fake people (boo---poor form!!!), and I even had somebody to vouch for me!!! What the hell???

Also speaking of work, I get to move to books!!! Sometime in the very near future. I don't care, I'm excited. Whee!!!

Some costume drama madness here today all, as PBS aired the first part of BBC's Jane Eyre last night. Eh. Not my favorite. I mean, it's by the woman who directed Bleak House, but it's really not that good. They changed a lot of the language, and so as a person who loved the book I was slightly disillusioned.

Also, not quite as romantic as the book was--- I mean, Jane Eyre was like the very first bodice-ripper, and that totally didn't come across.

And will somebody PLEASE hire somebody hot to play Rochester! It's really hard to lose a contest on looks when your closest competitors are Cirian Hinds and William Hurt, but somehow this one (Toby Stephens? Do we know him?) manages to do it. Good Lord, y'all. Somebody needs to get on that.

Also, they released the Becoming Jane trailer link. Um. Yeah. I was really looking forward to this, and was ready to pledge my undying devotion to it, and then I realized that I'd seen it like five times before.

Because rather than actually detailing her life and being original, they kind of...just rewrote Pride and Prejudice (or, the Most Popular Book of All Time. African pygmy tribes know the story). In fact, I'm pretty sure they didn't even really rewrite it. I'm pretty sure they just changed the names a little. Oh well, maybe it will be better than it looks.

Well, blog kitties, as I got up at six o'clock this morning and didn't really sit down until six thirty tonight, and I tragically have to be on a bus at 7:17 tomorrow morning, I'm gonna go relax and watch Studio 60. See y'all later.


rockford said...

blog kitties are glad you decided to watch studio 60 - we miss you on these busy days except when the busy is spent sitting with me at the dr - boring for you so it makes me sad for you though...thanks for all of your help - what would we do without you - not only would we be knee deep it garbage but I would no longer be alive because I can't seem to get to the dr alone!!!! Thank you thank you!!!! I loved the update - and yes, the lasgagne was frozen also- not just the cheese cake!!!!!:)

CMT said...

Yes. Snaps for me.

The dirth of hot Rochesters is sad. I guess. I don't really know the story, and I don't really watch the movies, so I'm just comiserating.

And Becoming Jane was incredibly disappointing. *sigh*