Friday, March 28, 2008

I am NOT a lush.

But I am very tired. And covered in bruises that have shown up since yesterday.

And I would like to apologize for this entire week being kind of one big moving post like, "And today I hung up a poster! Cheer for me!!!" which is really boring unless you're the one actually hanging said poster. So sorry. Maybe next we'll talk about some more interesting things. Like how I'm going to have to build a career on but never actually visit the United Kingdom, or Easter, which was like a week ago but I never actually discussed. Huh. Maybe not.

Maybe I'll just post pictures of the new room??? How would that be??

In the meantime, I give you the funniest Lolcat I've seen in awhile. I look at this cat? And just want to laugh out loud.

Humorous Pictures
see more crazy cat pics


Anonymous said...

no you are not a lush...ohhhh manhattan!!!! love the new room and love the lolcat:):):)

Anonymous said...

I did not find your room move posts to be boring - in fact I truely enjoyed them!!! Your room is absolutely beautiful!!!! The wallpaper could not be more perfect and your design ability could be showcased on HGTV!!!! Maybe we could do my room next - it is os sad!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot to mention -- but I love the expression on the flu kittt's face - priceless!!!!!