Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tonight brought to you by my Advil Cold and Sinus addiction.

It's official. Huckabee just gave the longest concession speech in history. It was longer than many celebrity marriages. I loved the part when he started thanking people who were totally immigrants even though he wants them all thrown out along with their natural-born citizen children screw jus soli!!!

Perhaps a man who wants to change the constitution to "reflect God's laws" maybe wants to read that part of the Bible where Jesus hung out with the unfortunates. Maybe.

Meanwhile, Hillary and Obama are still bitchfighting. And McCain is off hugging W. I guess.

One more thing before I go finish Eureka Street and fall asleep (Shut up, 8:50 is a perfectly normal time to go to bed. I have a very busy life.) You know Ohio? With the nuns and the nunnery and did I mention nuns? Just got better. Because now the nuns are suffering from a flu epidemic.

So we get to go visit our nun in her little room in the assisted living facility. Which is in the building without a cafeteria (if the nuns can do anything, it's cook.)

Let's break this down. Hours in a room, with an ailing nun, without food, in the place where nuns go to die.

Maybe I'll bring along my history notes, because the Catholic oppression in the UK c. 1800? Is more uplifting than this weekend is looking to be.

Oh, I lied. One more thing. I heard about this in two separate classes before noon this morning. Maybe I should shut up defending my school so much.


Anonymous said...

oh the Ohio bit is just way tooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!! But the Favre thing is just way tooooooooooooooooo sad!!!!!!! I blame Thompson.....he should be run out of town....and maybe Favre will come back....sorry I know it is your blog but I must voice my opinion of Thompson....yuk....!!!!!!!!! That's why Favre left.....ok I am finished...thank you. I do hope your weekend is better than you are anticipating:):):)

Anonymous said...

Someday you must learn to let your true feeling show, my dear, it is not healthy to hold everything in --- for example, how do you feel about Mr. Huckabee and what are your thoughts on our campus visit trip to Ohio???? Well, really, we do not know how you actually feel about the campus visit part!!!!! Some other parts we have an idea about......:) We'll have fun - if we do not all get sick!!!!