Sunday, March 23, 2008

'Twas Pink

Note: I am not evil incarnate. I love my grandfather. And yesterday's entry was not intended to be malicious. And he was very nice. Just letting you know.

I didn't have to yell at anyone to sit down and shut up, I got to roam the playground with Mary and Colleen until late at night, and Colleen even did her Tyra strut, so I guess the Easter vigil was a success.

Also some sniffling and tearful "OMG WHAT ABOUT NEXT YEAR NOES DON'T GO!!!"

Other than that, I mean.

We decided that:

1.) 12 years is a really long time.

2.) We're really old.

3.) It's a damn good thing no shows are ending this season because Colleen wouldn't be able to handle the added emotional pressure.

4.) This transition will go much smoother if the new priest is a Father-What-a-Waste.

5.) I'm probably going to hell.

What? It was late and we were giddy. And also Colleen had been hitting the boxed wine. It's still probably a good think Grandpa doesn't have internet access.

I kid, it was a beautiful Mass, and I actually liked it better without the baptisms, because if felt like people weren't focused on one person, but rather on themselves and the whole community. If that makes any sense.

So even if this was the last Easter vigil we have, I'll know I've been blessed to have such wonderful friends to share the last six years with.

This morning came really early, though, and then I got wicked tired at Daddy's parents' house, possibly because of the large quantity of meat available. So I am going to go enjoy some brand new sangria and a Manhattan because hey, Christ did not die so we could drink water.

Also? No school tomorrow. Shh!! Don't tell UWM. They don't know yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christ did not die so we could drink water...that is great!!!!!