Tuesday, March 25, 2008

They should have thought about this before comingling their crazy obsessive genes.

There is now a mover coming tomorrow, and wallpaper has been bought, and bookshelves have been moved, and I have a 48 hour plan to transform the den into my new bedroom and dammit, I will not be stopped by school or work or any other obligations I may have had this week!!!

My mother and her Ritter genes are now thoroughly disgusted with me, as they would prefer to wait and talk about it at least until after the presidential election. The one in 2012.

(I kid. She's being awesome.)

(But she is a little sick of me.)

(Okay. A lot sick.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no one could ever be sick of you....:):):) I do hope the movers come early for your sake:):)