Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas is still relevant because I SAY SO.

I don't care that it was over a week ago and you all have moved on and put away the presents and maybe even the tree (not that I blame you, if I had half an ounce of motivation ours would be gone, too), but dammit I've been busy and I want to talk about Christmas.


It was fun. Quiet, but fun. There was food and drinking and gifting and I got to wear a very pretty dress that made me look not fat and my hair was working, so yay!!!

I got the Supreme Court DVD set that I really wanted, and I've watched it like sixteen times and it's kind of amazing and goodness I love judicial review and they got O'Connor and Roberts to talk occasionally and my Inner Judicial Whore is passed out in the corner from excitement!!!

Wow. Look at the running on that's going on up there. Huh. Must be the cold medicine.

Spent the days after Christmas chilling (aforementioned DVD set), seeing movies (National Treasure 2? Does not suck!) and getting sick (grrr.)

Good times.

And now things are back to normal and it's slightly depressing although a lot cleaner because I cleaned the house today for the first time since Christmas because dammit if no one else is doing anything then I'm not either!

Must. Stop. Run. On. Sentences.

Oooh, speaking of the crazy- The Boy bought Guitar Hero II with his Christmas money. And oh Lord if there's one thing that could tear me away from Sandra Day O'Connor talking about Marbury v. Madison it's the chance to play Message in a Bottle by the Police on a stringless guitar twenty-five times in a row without blinking.

I love it.

I need it.

I can't get enough.

Only one link today-

Hahaha. That's karma, baby!!!


Anonymous said...

ah yes Christmas was good and I hope you are feeling better!!! Great link:):):)

Anonymous said...

The DVD sounds great - I really want to watch it with you one of these days - if there happened to be a day not broken up by you driving me to some stupid doctor's appointment!!! Hope you can enjoy your vacation anyway and I am so glad you enjoyed your Christmas - and that you are feeling a bit better now - that nyquil is great stuff, isn't it???