Sunday, October 26, 2008

Okay, 17 Kids and Counting is my new favorite show.

I freaking love to hate the crazy fundamentalists. My mom wondered how I knew they were fundamentalist. I replied that um, they were just reading Scripture in the car. I'm betting they think the Exodus was real too. (And let me tell you, after eight years of homeschooling, I have seen my fair share of women in long skirts who were fairly certain I was going to hell because I think breastfeeding is gross.)

Apparently, kissing before marriage is wrong. WRONG. SIN. OH MY GOD YOU WHORE OF BABYLON WRONG. (Again, I actually had a "health" book tell me that boys should save their kisses for the girl they were going to marry.)

So instead the newly engaged couple (who are both younger than me *barf*) just walk around holding hands. Sometimes both hands. Constantly. ALL THE TIME. Seriously. In the car, looking at the (disgusting) house, while buying a car, hanging out on the couch, ALL THE FREAKING TIME.

And wow, please just throw down and make out already because the hand-holding SO ANNOYING. Gah.

See? SEE? This is why you need a real religion! Without two millenia of doctrine set down by people (who at times- I'm looking at you, Middle Ages- were totally gung-ho on the whole sex issue) you come up with crap like this.

And then I am forced to watch your crack-like TLC show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is this a real show????????? It must not be a Brukheimer