Saturday, July 26, 2008

I. Do. Not. Enjoy. Shopping.

I avoid it like the plague. If the What Not to Wear people showed up I'd be like, "Um. No. Two days shopping? Ha. But do you want to get a drink, because I love you guys!!!" I enjoy getting new clothes, and I like to think that I put some thought into outfits and generally look well put together, but I absolutely hate the act of shopping. The walking around and trying on and fending off overeager sales associates who tell you that Yes! Totally! Of course that mid-calf length pink tulle skirt that billows looks good on your 5' 2"-in-heels-and-no-size-0 frame!!! Because I may be fat and not look good in a tulle skirt, bitch, but I'm not dumb.

But today I really had to shop. My grandfather didn't like to admit that women had boobs, and so perhaps showing up to his funeral naked would be inappropriate. And I have no summer funeral clothes. Actual summer (the summer you can't get away with wearing winter clothes in summer) in Wisconsin is like three months long. I'm not investing in a huge summer dressy wardrobe for twelve weeks. I don't go to a whole lot of formal events, so I kind of skate by with a couple of skirts and dressy pants. But I didn't have any sober clothes that I felt good in.

(Shut up! I know that what I wear to my grandfather's funeral isn't the most pressing matter, and believe me, it's not. But if I can find a skirt and sweater that make me look good, I can deal with things a lot better. I have a heart, dammit!!!)

So I went to Bayshore with Imladris this afternoon for my least-favorite kind of shopping trip- you absolutely need something RIGHT NOW, you know what you need, and it probably won't be stocked at the end of July, and it's a depressing need to boot. Ugh.

$300 and four hours later, I did actually have two outfits. There was some slight screaming and tears and OH HOLY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NOW when the zipper of the perfect slate-gray skirt that I had finally found a top for broke and it broke while it was on me and I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to get out of that and oh, yeah, Banana Republic charged me eighty dollars for it. But I got out, and fixed the zipper, and all is right with the world.

In my family, deceased members have had a tendency to send credit cards to people. If they could start that for me now, that'd be awesome.


Anonymous said...

no...really how do you feel????

CMT said...

Salespeople on commission are a nightmare. I never know how to tell them that I don't trust their opinion and don't care that they think I look pretty in that $178 dress.