Thursday, July 10, 2008


Not feeling inspired today. Nothing to write.

Pretty boring day. I did nothing. Read The Seven Storey Mountain. I decided that if I were born a man I would never even consider the fact that God may be calling me to be a Trappist monk, because, um, no. Hours of choir? I was in children's choir for like six minutes in grade school and OH MY GOD I AM STILL TRAUMATIZED AND WHINING ABOUT THE INHUMANITY OF HAVING TO DEVOTE A WHOLE HALF HOUR A WEEK TO SINGING GAH.

Yeah. I don't think I was terribly easy to live with circa 1997.

Anyhoodles, it's a good thing I'm not called to the monastic life. The other nuns? Would kick me out. Probably around Day 2, when I decide that they really need extended cable and announce this, probably during some silent prayer time.

Occasionally there were huge storms that blew up. That was pretty cool. I guess if I was sequestered in an abbey somewhere I could still enjoy the storms.

Ooh, one thing, most likely for Mickey, because I'm pretty sure she's the only one who watches SVU- did you ever see the episode where this art grad student sleeps with her professor and then cries rape and they're both totally crazy and manipulative and major whores (both of them), and you totally don't know who to root for, and then the episode ends before they announce the verdict? WHAT? What the hell is up with that? I must know!!!

Gah. Dick Wolf, why must you torment me?


Anonymous said...

yes....I did see that episode (can't imagine there is an episode I did not see)....I love Dick Wolf and he has done this type of thing with siblings and one time twins and you don't know which one did it!!!! Don't you just love that show...and those characters...Now you understand my Wednesday night problem:):):) FYI-really can't see you as a monk at all!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I understand maybe not wanting to be a monk - but was children's choir really that bad????