Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I have Cheap Trick's "I Want You to Want Me" stuck in my head.

It's annoying.

Not quite as annoying as being forced to electronically sign two promissory notes and complete two entrance exams and then print off two ten-page documents allowing a random bank (And oh, it was random. By the end there I was just checking boxes.)to give me five grand and then trek all across the entire house to get my drivers license because they totally needed the number omg.


Why ten pages each? I'm not sure. Presumably because there were several medieval torture clauses allowing the abovementioned random bank to employ waterboards, bamboo shoots, and a rack as well as draw and quarter me if I default after the nine-month grace period following dropping below a half-credit load. I told you, I wasn't paying attention by the end.

And I'm pretty that as of the moment I had to cut my finger and spread the blood all over the keyboard, the devil owns my soul, and has first dibs on my firstborn, which I also have to name Faust.

I'm just guessing.

So yeah. I'm thousands of dollars in debt and breaking out in hives. It was a good day.



Anonymous said...

IF I win the lottery I will help you:):):)

Anonymous said...

Loans are awful, scary, scary things...I hate them and wish that I could get a job so you never had to see one until you bought your first beautiful but affordable home...this just makes me sick...If we win the lottery we will pay them off - I READ that you can, in fact, do that early without any penalty!!!:)