Saturday, March 04, 2006

Saturday and Gay Marriage

Oh, Saturdays are loverly. I get to sleep. I always used to feel badly about sleeping in because then I was wasting the day. Now it's like, "Aw, screw it, if it doesn't start with a "10", I'm not getting up..." and then I leisurly wash my hair and lounge and don't get downstairs until close to noon. Oh, I love Saturdays.

Except today I cut myself shaving. And there was a very large amount of blood. And I got a little bit lightheaded. I didn't know you had that much blood coursing through your legs. Strange, no? But my foot stopped hurting, actually...

My final topic was news like a week ago, but I keep forgetting about it. Which makes me no less excited. Now, I am totally into being eighteen because I can vote now. And in November is the whole little midterm thing where all the senators play musical chairs and I get to vote! YAY! But then last week, I found out that I also get to vote on gay marriage!!! Somebody finally wants my opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am no longer relegated to standing on a corner with a sign (a political sign, I'm not a whore...hehehe...literally...)- I can actually vote! Whoo!


Anonymous said... get to vote!!!!!! Interesting topics you have today...I hate to admit it but I prefer sleeping in on a Saturday than voting....but that's just me!!!:):):) Good smart people like you should vote!!!!!!:)

CMT said...

HEY. We don't ALL stand with SIGNS. SOME of us stand with ELEPHANT HEADS.

rockford said...

What a very interesting would wonder what the two have to do with one another!!!! I'm glad you're voting this year - we need the country in the hands of intelligent people and you are definitely one of those....congratulations!!!!!! Does this mean no standing with signs this next presidential election???? It was cold and we did miss Johnny on Oprah...:( but it was an experience....