Monday, March 13, 2006

Whoo!!!!! Spring Break!!!!!!!!!

This is what most people do on their spring breaks...

This is what I'm doing...

Not that I mind, because, as we all know, alone with coffee and a book is really how I prefer to be. And I wonder why I'm a social pariah. Hey, it beats Cleveland, which is how I spend last spring break. This book, btw, is absolutely awesome. I started it last night and I'm two hundred and fifty pages in because I literally cannot put it down. Really. I had to force myself to come and write this blog entry. And guess what? They're making it into a movie!!!!*gasp* Oh, it will be so awesome. And even awesomer??? (Yeah, it's a word...) Everybody on the boards thinks that Christian Bale would make a fabulous John Wilkes Booth!!!!!!!!!! *gasp* *faint* *gasp again* Oh, I'm so there.

Anyhoodles, I don't think that everyone in my family is happy about my being home this week. I was rudely awakened this morning by Imladris coming into the room practically shouting, "I'm mad at you for being off, and I'm taking Anna Karenina." I still haven't figured out if the taking of Anna Karenina was a consequence of the being mad (if so, it wasn't a very good one; I finished that book like a year ago) 0r just an afterthought and she just wanted to make sure I was awake. I'm thinking that final one.

Well, I'm off to go enjoy doing nothing. Except run to Borders, because I am a Rewards Card member and need to spend my complimentary 30% off coupon before it expires. Ah, the idle life...well, Lupe's not on spring break, so I really should go clean up the kitchen.


Anonymous said...

Oh I do hope you enjoy your spring matter what you do!!!!! Two hundred and fifty pages!!!!!!!!! Knowing Imladris as I do.....I think she wanted to be sure that you were awake:):):).... I hope Lupe can take a little bit of a break this week too:):):)

CMT said...

I was thinking to myself this morning as I lay in bed, "I should like very much to read Tolstoy's masterpiece Anna Karennina. Alas, by what means might I lay my hands upon such an item? Why, methinks mine sister Morena is in possession of said manuscript. I shall pilfer it from her bookshelf quietly so as to not disturb her slumber. But, ah! Aforementioned young lady is currently on spring break. And I, ah me! am not.



Yeah, I think I'll wake her ass up."

So THAT'S why I so rudely awakened you. Just in case you were, y'know, wondering.

(BTW, I totally plagiarized that WHOLE comment, cuz I'm badass like that)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes ......the comment from Imladris certainly clears up that question....:):):)

rockford said...

I loved the pictures!!!!!! I think that your break sounds like fun though! Maye the old beach is better for some people but feeling as you do about summer...
BTW, I'm gald that inladris cleared up her motivation for the waking - I NEVER wuld have guessed!!!!! Enjoy!!