Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Da Vinci Code and Sir Paul

Oh, the View girls are screaming about the Da Vinci Code. No, really, they're all trying to yell over each other. It's a little annoying, really. And I can't figure out what they're saying. So I'll pretend I'm on the show and yell a little on my blog.

Well, more like blog quietly, because I'm frankly a little sick of the whole thing. Honestly. I'm one of the three people in the US who have never read the book, and I haven't exactly sought out information (except a Wikipedia article, which was actually more confusing) but just by having been conscious since 2003 I know the whole damn plot. I know the secrets, I know the little code thingies, I know the critics have now panned both the book and now the movie, and I know that somebody has got to tie Tom Hanks down and take a scissors to that thing that's growing out the back of his head. EVERYBODY KNOWS. There is a Da Vinci Code story du jour in the paper every morning. That's pretty much the only thing that AOL has on their news thingy. People has a running count of the South American countries that are going on hunger strikes or something because of it. Even my Inner Pop Culture Whore is like, "Why is everybody so happy/freaked out???"

I don't care. I know it's probably a cop out, but I just can't make myself get so worked up about a badly written novel. Because it is a novel. I understand the Vatican having to issue a warning about not supporting the book or movie, because people are such morons that they can't tell fact from fiction, but I think everybody with half a brain should be able to see the difference. I don't think Christ was married. I don't think da Vinci had anything other than experimenting with fresco on his mind when he did The Last Supper (and really, if he was going to include hints as to the whereabouts of the "Holy Grail" in anything, would it have been in the work that started crumbling five years after it was created??? I think not.), and I really do think that the Mona Lisa is simply a painting of Lisa Ghereradini, hence the name "Mona Lisa" or "My Lady Lisa" in Italian. Yeah, Lisa was apparently not winning any beauty contests, but I don't think it's a self-portrait. And even if it is, I'm failing to see the connection between Leonardo having had some unresolved gender issues and knowing that Christ married Mary Magdalene. And I really, really, don't think that there is a huge conspiracy theory within the Catholic Church to squash women, considering the first Masses were actually said by women.

So no, I'm not going to see the movie. But I really think people need to just chill out and stop burning copies in effigy. And I still love Opie and Forrest Gump. It's going to take a lot more than a ridiculous story take that away from me!!!

That was my religious rant for the day.

In other, slightly lighter news, my aunt can die a happy women knowing that Heather is not capable of making Paul happy. It's a little sick, but I'm sure she's pleased.

HAHAHA. *ahem* Okay, so all of my shows are ending. And I'm a little bit upset. Okay, a lot upset. If they hit anything above Flack's neck today, I will have to cry. Really.

Back to depressing, I guess, they released the trailer for Oliver Stone's World Trade Center, coming out in August. I'm not going to link it here, because I find it hard to believe anyone who reads this really wants to see it, but you can find it on This is going to sound trite, but it's really sad. Not quite as sad as United 93, which left me crying in a theater, but still pretty sad. I'm not mad at Nicolas Cage anymore (except for the mustache. That's tragic.) because it looks quite respectful and all, but I still think it's too soon. It hasn't been five years yet. They did Pearl Harbor sixty years later and people still got upset. I think we need at least ten. But that's just my opinion.

Yay- got a hair appointment today so I don't have to wash my hair!! How lazy am I??? I schedule my appointments so that somebody else can wash my hair for me. That's a whole new level of laziness.

Updated my TV blog yesterday, so read and comment. Imladris will appreciate the title...

Have a good day everybody!!! :)


Anonymous said...

OK......who the hellllllll gives a sh** about that stupid DaVinci Code.....when clearly the topic of the century is the fact that Heather did not and I repeat did not make a good wife for I didn't see that coming!!!!!!...welll.....since I am very happily married.....I no longer have a personal interest in his marital status.....ok at one time this would have meant buying a one way ticket to England asap.....:):):):):)...everyone knows I have never been a Heather fan....just not right for Paul:):):):) Linda is doing a happy dance in Heaven:):):)

CMT said...



And I agree with you completely about the DaVinci code. It's a foolish story, and people give it more credit if they freak out about it. Still, I think it's important that there is this controversy as it shows not everyone is willing to take this foolishness sitting down.

rockford said...

The hair looks great -- I am certain that it looks much better than an 11.99 cut at great clips, right???:) That francis can work wonders....Poor sir paul - maybe mc was right and he remarried too quickly - too bad she is no longer available --- there would be no money worries, that is for sure, except that half of his will be gone now, won't it??? On to tv - I am so happy for you and imladris that flack could squeeze mac's hand - you can rest easy for the summer now....:) He has 3 months to get better and get rid of those nasty scratches on his little face:)