Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hump Day

It's over. Any shred of haughty intelligence I may have had is gone. We voted for American Idol last night. Okay, so it's along with the rest of the nation. My mom said she didn't feel so badly because she did in fact vote for president as well. I never have, but that's no my fault. Congress decided I'm not smart enough to make an informed decision. Obviously it's been awhile since they talked to any eighteen-year-olds. But that's a whole different rant. :p

I'm a Taylor fan by default. I just don't want Katharine McPhee to win because then I'll have to watch Simon mentally undress her...again. And that is, frankly, getting REALLY annoying.

In other TV news, Alias ended Monday Night. Oh. *tear* WHY ARE ALL MY FRIENDS LEAVING ME??? First Will and Grace and now Sydney and Vaughn. Except that Sydney and Vaughn ended with a good finale, unlike Will and Grace which ripped out my heart and left a giant sucking wound. Except that Jack died. NO!!! NOT SPYDADDY!!!! (Who is totally not gay, despite what everyone on the boards says. I'm sure Nathan Lane has straight friends.) But he endedup taking down Sloane in the end, too. The ending was so sweet, with the new baby and Isabelle being able to do the Super Amazing Technical Block Game. Aww...she's gonna be just like her mom!!!! *tear*

(BTW, I didn't feel like doing a whole long post about my Monday night shows this time, because I've been really busy sitting in waiting room lately, but look for one tomorrow about the Lost finale, k??? I'll probably have something about Two and a Half Men in there too.)

So I've been reading freakish amounts of books lately. I finally did my long-anticipated Orwell spree and read 1984 and Animal Farm back to back, which were really good in that Wow-this-is-so-weird-there-is-no-way-I'm-ever-eating-meat-again way. Anybody else think that "The Room" that Walt mentioned on Lost is anything like Room 101??? I do.

In keeping with out central year theme, I finally finished 1776 by David McCulloch. Oh my gosh. Everyone must go buy this book. It's so interesting. I love the Revolutionary War, and this totally made it come to life. My mother would be proud- she's done her job well. :P

And then I finished The Voyage Out while sitting in a waiting room. Yeah. Does Virginia Wolfe bug anybody else??? Like you find yourself thinking "Why the hell can't she just pick a character and stick with it???" I still love her stuff on a base level (my inner feminist, who pretty much gets squashed on a daily basis by my inner non-feminist who doesn't really ahve any desire to work but would be perfectly happy living off of some guy), but it gets a little bit hard to follow. Now I'm into The Brother's Karamazov. Love me some thousand page Russian novels. Imladris is very proud of herself because she's almost to page 600 of Anna Karenina, which means she only has three hundred pages left. Snaps for her!!! Maybe I'll refrain from throwing this one in the lake, ala War and Peace.

Reason #264 to Love iPods: You discover your old songs. Really. Because you'll kind of forget about it and find yourself rocking out to Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves and then you'll be like, "Wow. Cher is awesome." Even if she is lying about her age. Because we saw her three years ago and she was fifty eight. Now she just turned sixty??? Hmmm...

Finally, My Inner Pop-Culture Whore thinks that they should just let it go. She' s not even interested enough to pick a side.


CMT said...

There's no " 's " in The Brothers Karamazov. But I'm not really one to talk. You're the one reading that behemoth.

Yeah. Page 600. REPRESENT.

And zomg Jack dying was sooooo sad but he did it in the right way, y'know. It was a good death. The way he would have wanted to go out.

Anonymous said...

I loooooooove Idol.....but I don't vote since I don't know who to vote for......I have liked allllll of them since they were down to about 6....I said get a big crown and put it over all of them:):):) Based just on last night I think Taylor should win because I really hated Kat's last song..... but "over the rainbow" was not only FABULOUS...but the song has a special place in my heart.....I once sang that very song in an audition in high school...DID NOT GET THE PART!!!!!....for some reason they felt I would make a better "non singing munchkin" I really am NOT bitter....2 hours of Idol tonight wow!!!!! I must admit I don't do much "political" voting either...what can I say!!!! Ok I do even less "reading" than I do "voting" can't really comment on toooooooo much of this blog:):):) Still haven't had time to watch Will and Grace...but I might just skip it since it really sounds awfuuuuuuuulllllll...Love 2 1/2 men this week...just GREAT!!!!OK I agree.....enough about Nicole R......go eat a sandwich!!!!!!

mi_morena said...

Yeah, I know...I don't know what it is---I automatically type and apostrophe...

rockford said...

YOu need not worrry about your haughty intelligence - you did not actually make the call yourself, right??!! I just felt I had to - I really liked Taylor and just fellt like voting:)...The end show was really good thought - almost like going to the concert - with all of that reading someone must have done a good job, huh??????:)