Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bite me.

I've got, like, nothing for you tonight. Honestly. I don't recall doing anything today. It's weird.

Let's see. I know I put pictures on Flickr. I ate dinner. I wrote my photos project. I cleaned the bathroom. I went to Target (Again. I shouldn't be allowed in upper-class discount stores. It is simply not fiscally responsible.). I bought pillows. I put the pillows on my bed. Other than that? Notsomuch.

But I guess that is kind of a lot.

One major thing I haven't done? Studied for my personality test in 14 hours. I suck.

Got two A's this morning, though. And I'm feeling good about that. Less so about the aforementioned personality test.

Boy, you all must be sick and tired of the classes rundown by now, aren't you? You're probably looking forward to winter break more than I am.

Because then Teh Major Amusement that makes it to the blog is something like plucking my eyebrows and seeing how many days before I start ignoring makeup and wearing sweatshirts. I think it took three days last year.

Just letting you know.

I know you're shocked, but I did read a book today, Supreme Conflict. I didn't love it as much as The Nine, mostly because it wasn't organized as well and at the beginning was kind of confusing because they were jumping from justice to justice and expecting the reader to keep up. But then it kind of calmed down and focused mostly on O'Connor's leaving and Roberts and Alito.

This is good for me, because they're the only two I really remember. I was seven when Stevens (the last new one) was confirmed in 1994. Not so much into the Constitution then. By 2005, I was old enough to remember a CSI being preempted Roberts' nomination was announced. You don't forget that shit. Okay. It was a rerun. But I was still mad.

Interesting. There was a kind of cute part about Alito's daughter in it- she was home alone when Andy Card called to offer her dad the nomination. She told him he was at work, and then IM'd her brother saying that some guy from the White House had called. He asked her who it was, but she didn't remember who it was. So he ran through a list of people it could have been until she recognized a name.

And it kind of struck me that, if my dad was nominated to the Supreme Court, The Empress would forget the name of the guy who called. And then I'd have to yell at her. I'll bet the Alito boy yelled something like "Dumbass!" at poor little Laura.

But that would be my family.

Oooh, I have links tonight!!! I know, you're thrilled. But they're clogging my favorites, so you're getting them.

Let the self-loathing begin now. Um. Yeah. My two A's don't look so intelligent now.

Look, I am no happier about the Ted/Robin hookup last night than the next guy, but it did not deserve a jeer. The poll at the end of the article is supportive, though. Yay, Mother fans (I almost wrote MotherBoy. The Arrested Development groupie in me.)

Continuing with our SCOTUS theme tonight, the Supreme Court agrees to hear 2nd Amendment case. Oh, great. The one instance where I don't think packing the Court with conservatives is a good idea.

So now I really have to marry well. I guess even working my ass off to let my ovaries rot while I sleep with my doctorate at night isn't enough anymore.

I'm so disturbed by this. Not the fact that she's a crazy, but the fact that the phrases "ex-lover" and "Bill Nye" were used in the same sentence, in conjunction with one another. I need to go take a shower in rubbing alcohol or something.


Anonymous said...

2 A's....yeah....and great pictures.....:)

Anonymous said...

So, maybe Bill Nye is ok as "the science guy" but best not to know too much about his personal life, huh???? Sad - I really liked ol' Bill...congrats on the grades!!!!!!! I LOVE the pictures - they are so artsy and creative - especially the pumpkin candle....I can't believe that I raised a SCOTUS watcher!!!!! What fun!!! I'm awaiting the countdown to the no make-up and sweatshirts:)!!!!!